


for Wednesday, November 10th


 Attention Seniors:  Please stop in the office and sign-off on your name spelling for your graduation diploma.


The Fall Sports award night is TONIGHT at 6pm in the new gym.  If you participated in fall sports, please plan to attend.


The following golfers still need to bring back your golf bags:  Jessica Bernard, Brenna Friel, Dylan Kelley, Nevaeh Burris. 


Attention Soccer players:  The following players needs to return uniforms to Flannell ASAP:

Wyatt Cole

Brayden Evans

Hank Mitchell

Dylan Coffey

Sydney Rausch

Wesley Jones

Ty Meeker


Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be meeting Thursday during lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. Anyone is welcome to come for great conversation and snacks!


 The Student Council is sponsoring our Veteran’s Day program on Thursday.  We ask that you support our Veterans and wear Red, White and Blue that day.  We will follow the 2:20 class schedule with dismissal like at 3:10.  Thank you to the Student Council for planning and the Band, FFA and Farmer City American Legion for participating in the program.


Central Illinois CEO is having “Bring a Junior to Class Days” on November 16th from 7:30 – 9am.    If you’d be interested in attending to see what CEO is all about, please let Grace Coffey or Alyssa Crawford know.


The next FFA meeting is November 17th with the committees meeting at 6 pm and the chapter meeting at 7 pm. We will be having our annual Turkey Bowling and Thanksgiving Party. 


It's Puffins and Butter Braid time again! This is a Sophomore fundraiser to help raise money for Prom and Post Prom next year.  Please see Mrs. Lagle for an order form, if you are a Sophomore and not in any of her classes.  Money and order forms are due to Mrs. Lagle by Monday, Nov.22!


After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Jones.  Lunch detentions Thursday are with Mrs. Lacy.


Today’s lunch is:  Chicken Nuggets with Mashed Potatoes or Pretzel with Cheese