for Tuesday, January 11th
For any boys interested in track this spring, there will be a brief meeting in the commons after school TODAY. If you can not attend, please see Mr. Kramer today.
Auditions for “Fairy Tale Misfits” will be held this Thursday and Friday! There will be an audition option for people who are on remote! Stay tuned for additional information!
There will be an organizational softball meeting for all girls interested in playing softball this spring on Friday right after school at 3:15 in the commons at the high school.
FCA will be meeting on Thursdays during lunch again this semester starting this Thursday, 1/13! Come join us as we talk through life and faith, eat snacks, and have fun. We meet in Mr. Minteer's room, room 207. All are welcome to join us!
Student Council will be meeting on Tuesday, 1/18 during lunch. Please bring your lunches and eat in the Library!
Boys Basketball has a game TONIGHT, 1/11 at 6pm at HOME vs. Arthur-Lovington.
Scholastic Bowl has a meet on Thursday, 1/13 at home at 4:30.
It’s Senior night for the Girls Basketball, this Thursday, 10/13 at 6pm at HOME vs. Argenta-Oreana. Come on out and support the girls program.
The lunch menu today is Nachos with Refried Beans a side salad or alternative lunch of a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich