for Wednesday, January 19th
There will be a STEM club meeting during lunch TODAY in Ms. Miller’s room. Bring your lunch!
Thursday there will be a girls track meeting after school in the Commons with Coach Miles.
SAE night is Thursday, January 20th for any FFA Member who needs help setting up or working on their SAE. Officially starts at 5 pm, however, you can come as early as 3:30.
There will be a key club meeting on Friday during lunch in the library! Please bring your lunches and come to the meeting!
The next FFA meeting is January 26th with committees starting at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7:00. We will be completing one of our big Service Activities and will be teaching line dancing with other activities available.
After school detentions this week is with Ms. Miller in her room.
To the Blue Ridge Boys Basketball team: we are so proud of you for your exemplary sportsmanship and leadership on the court not only last night but at all games. Keep up the great teamwork and compassion for your sport.
The lunch menu today is Chicken & Noodles with Mashed Potatoes with side salad or alternative lunch of a bagel/cream cheese