


for Tuesday, February 15th



Attention Juniors, Sophomores and Freshman …. please check your emails for a survey from Ms. Villwock to complete by Wednesday!   We’d appreciate your help!


There will be a Student Council TODAY during lunch in the library!  Discussions and planning will continue for more fun events!  Please be there!


Are you interested in Bass Fishing?  There will be a meeting TOMORROW at 12:35 in the new gym during lunch for anyone interested.


Parkland College will be here TOMORROW at 11:30 during 5th hour.  Any Junior or Senior, please see Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton for passes to those college visits!


Spring sports Parent meeting is scheduled for TOMORROW at 6pm in the HS commons.


FCA will be meeting this Thursday at lunch in Mr. Minteer's room. This month we'll be talking about who Jesus is and what it means to be a Christian, and how to have peace in this crazy world. Join us for a piece of pizza, some snacks, and for some Peace at Lunch time. All are welcome to attend!


It’s Yearbook ordering time!  Please order your 2021-2022 yearbook now.  The orders are due February 28th at a cost of $50.  They will arrive in the fall after school starts.  Please give your check to Ms. Thacker.


Last Friday, several of our FFA Members interviewed for their State FFA Degree. Congratulations to the following members for being recommended from Section 16 to receive their Degree pending the outcome from State FFA Degree Committee: Tray Hardesty, Tatem Madden, Morgan Drozs, Hank Mitchell, Kaleb Southern, and Gracie Shaffer.  Way to go Blue Ridge FFA!


Next week is our favorite week ….. it’s FFA Week!

  • There is no school on Monday, Feb. 21st!
  • Tuesday, we’ll be running a 2:20 class schedule with an assembly in the gym until 3:10.
  • Wednesday is dress up day with a Beach or Hawaiian theme.
  • Thursday is another dress up day ….. Case IH vs John Deere Day (wear red or green and show us which one you prefer) with a College Career day in the new gym.
  • Friday is Blue and Gold day with the FFA Barnyard in the Ag Shop from 9am – 2pm.


Spring sports photos schedule Mar. 8th:

3:30 Girls track at the practice field if weather permits.  New gym if not

4:00 boys track at the practice field if weather permits.  New gym if not

4:30: Softball at the girl's diamond if weather permits.  New gym if not

5:00 baseball at South Park


After school detentions this week is with Mrs. Ringel in her room.


Lunch menu for today is: Walking Taco and side salad or alternative lunch of Bagel & Cream Cheese