for Wednesday, February 23rd
It’s Yearbook ordering time! Please order your 2021-2022 yearbook now. The orders are due February 28th at a cost of $50. They will arrive in the fall after school starts. Please give your check to Ms. Thacker.
It’s FFA Week!
- TODAY is dress up day with a Beach or Hawaiian theme. The FFA Officer team will be visiting the 8th graders at the Jr. High school. There will also be an FFA meeting with the committees meeting at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7 pm. Wear your best SCHOOL APPROPRIATE Hawaiian/Beach attire to the meeting.
- Thursday is Case IH vs John Deere Day (wear red or green and show us which one you prefer) with a College Career day in the new gym.
- Friday is Blue and Gold day with the FFA Barnyard in the Ag Shop from 9am – 2pm.
Tuesday’s trivia question was:
Many crops are planted in rows for efficiency, but not all crops are row crops. What characteristic defines a true row crop?
Answer: A row crop is a crop that can be planted in rows wide enough to allow it to be tilled or otherwise cultivated by agricultural machinery or machinery tailored for the seasonal activities of row crops such as corn and soybeans.
Here is your daily FFA Trivia question for today:
Blue Ridge FFA is not only ranked as a top chapter in Illinois but also nationally! At what percent is the Blue Ridge chapter ranked in Illinois and in the Nation as a chapter?
Tune in Thursday for the answer!
The student winner from yesterday is ….. Alexis Wike! Come to the office to claim your prize! Remember, the more you participate, your name gets put in the drawing to win prizes!!!!!
Congratulations to the Varsity Scholastic bowl team on their 3 match virtual sweep of Mendota last night by the scores of 340-100, 350-80 and 310-170. The JV split two matches winning the first by a score of 200-160 then lost 150-180. Leading the 47-12 overall varsity in toss-ups was Sami Boogren with 14 followed by a strong showing from Conner Otto with 10, Aiden Soliday with 5 and AJ Johnson and Hutch Partlow with 4 each. Leading the JV in toss-ups was Dylan Coffey and Alexis Wike with 7 each. Go Knights!
Spring sports photos schedule Mar. 8th:
3:30 Girls track at the practice field if weather permits.
4:00 boys track at the practice field if weather permits.
4:30: Softball at the girl's diamond if weather permits.
5:00 baseball at South Park
Lunch menu for today is: Country Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes and salad or alternative of a Turkey Sandwich