


for Friday, May 20th         


It’s not too late to order the Yearbook!  Orders are due May 27th!  Cost is $55.  Please give your payment to Ms. Thacker.


Attention students:  ALL library books are past due.  They will be marked as lost and you will be charged for the price of the book. 

Color Guard auditions will be held Monday, May 23rd from 3:30 to 5:30. See any current guard member or Ms. Meisner for more information.


The promenade pictures from Prom on Saturday are on the Rt. 54 Facebook page!  Go check them out!


Congrats to Alexis Wike for being one of twelve high jumpers out of 33 total to advance to the class A finals on Saturday morning at EIU.  Way to go Alexis!


Blue Ridge Boys Track is State Bound! Matt Schumacher won the shot put with a throw of 44'8", a personal record. Cole Pemble placed 2nd in the long jump with a state qualifying 21'2". Congrats gentlemen! Way to represent!


Sunday is Graduation at 2:00pm.  Congratulations to the Class of 2022!


Lunch menu for today is: Cheese Pizza or an alternative of a Turkey sandwich