


for Friday, September 9th   

The Theatre meeting today at lunch has been cancelled.

If you did not return your chrome book in May, before school was out, you have until the end of this week to turn the chrome book back into Mr. Kramer or you will be charged.  We’re finding that some students have 2 computers and you should only have 1 and we know who you are!  If you have any questions, please let Mr. Kramer know.

Upcoming college visit dates to remember: September 13th Bradley University @ 9:30am.   Please get passes from Ms. Hieronymus or Ms. Clayton.


The Knight Buddies program is back!  If you would like to sign up to be a Knight Buddy with Schneider students, please go to the Counseling Google Classroom page to get all of the information.  Applications are due TODAY!


FFA Night is September 14th!  This year if you're in an ag class come to the Ag Room at 6 pm on September 14th for a cookout and activity to kick off the new year. 

The Soccer game scheduled for Thursday night has been cancelled.

Congratulations to the Varsity Lady Knights volleyball team for avenging an early season loss to the friendly tribe of Judah Christian with a 25-9, 25-19 straight set win last night to improve their overall record to 8-2.  Judah won the JV contest by set scores of 25-16, 20-25, 18-16.  Leading the Varsity Knights was Alexis Wike with 12 digs and 3 aces followed by Phoebe Reynolds with 9 kills and Gracie Shaffer with 15 assists.  Way to go Lady Knights!

TONIGHT is a home football game vs. Milford.  Come out and cheer our football team on for a WIN!  The Band and Flags will also perform at halftime.  Good Luck Knights!

It’s a busy weekend for the Knights sports!  The Lady Knights Volleyball team has a tournament on Saturday at LSA in Decatur and the Soccer team has a match at Georgetown-Ridge Farm at 10am on Saturday and the Boys Golf team has a home  Invitational meet at 8am on Saturday!  Go Knights!


Lunch menu for today is: Cheese Pizza, Spinach Strawberry Salad and Carrots