


For Friday, November 11th   

TODAY is the Student Council’s Veteran’s day program at 2:20.  Please follow the 2:20 dismissal schedule all day today.  Then right after 2:20, go to the new gym for the program.  Please be respectful to our guests.


If you missed the Spring Softball meeting on Thursday, please let the office know and we’ll talk to you about it!


The Osman Lutheran church is having a benefit supper for Blue Ridge’s high school aide, Mrs. Janice Harden to assist her in her fight with cancer.  Homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts are being offered for a free-will donation this Saturday, 11/12 from 4:30pm – 7pm at the church in rural Fisher.  If you wish to give monetary donations, please give them to Mrs. Hardesty in the high school office.


It's Puffins and Butter Braid time again!  Please see a Sophomore to place your holiday orders.  Money and orders are due Friday, Nov. 18 to Mrs. Lagle.


Dylan Coffey ----we still need 2 more pieces of your soccer uniforms that you did not turn in!  This includes your purple keeper jersey and soccer shorts!


The next FFA meeting is Wednesday, November 16th with committees meeting at 6:30 and the chapter meeting at 7:00pm. Come join in on the fun!


Class meetings will be held on Thursday, November 17th starting about 8:30 starting with the Freshman, Sophomores, then Juniors and Seniors with Illini Grad Sales.  Go to your classroom, take attendance and you will be called down by classes when ready.  Also Monday Nov. 28th from 3pm to 6pm will be parent/student night from Illini Grad Sales in the small hallway off the commons area.


Thursday, November 17th after school, the sports winter pictures will be taken as follows:

3:30 quiz bowl in the library 

4:00 girls’ basketball 

4:30 boys’ basketball 

5:00 basketball cheer


If you are interested in lifeguard classes, there will be some offered during winter break.  Come to the office and we’ll put you on the list and give you more details when we get them.


Lunch menu for today is: Cheese Pizza, Romaine Salad with Dressing, Corn on the Cob, fruit, juice and milk