


for Friday, December 2nd


Anyone interested in being a part of the color guard next year or wanting a chance to check it out, or any current band student that wants a chance to spin with the guard this winter can be a part of the Basketball Guard. Schedules will be outside the Ag Room for anyone interested in giving it a chance. For any questions see Ms. Meisner in the Ag Room. 


Yearbooks are on sale now for $50 until Feb. 24!  After that the price will go up!


D and D club will meet after school TODAY until about 4:45 in Ms. Small's room. Ms. Reasoner will be running a group on Friday. If you haven't played D&D yet but you want to try it out, come check out the club on Friday!


The Boys Baseball team will be having volunteer workouts starting this Sunday at the high school gym from 11am – 1pm.  All boys are encouraged to attend!  It’s not too late to join the Baseball team!  If you’re interested, please see the office.


The next FFA Meeting is Thursday, December 15th with committees at 6:30 and chapter meeting at 7 pm. Stay tuned for more information about the meeting.

Monday December 5th is an SAE Night for all FFA members to work on books, start their books, or learn about SAEs. Parents are invited. It is open from 4:30-7pm in the Ag Room.


Last night in high school scholastic bowl action the shorthanded varsity team accomplished great victories over Danville Schlarman by a score of 260-210 then followed that up by defeating Tri-Point by a score of 230-190 to improve their overall record to 6-6.  The shorthanded JV lost both contests but was led in toss-ups by Ivy Whitehouse with 2 and Taylyn Watterson with 1.    AJ Johnson had a stellar scoring night leading the varsity in toss-ups with 15 followed by Addison Warsaw with 5, Camille Buchanan with 2 and Savannah Coffin and Brody Soliday with 1 apiece.  


Last night the FFA members traveled to Decatur to compete in the Section Parliamentary Procedure and Conduct of Chapter Meetings Team events. During this event, members use Parliamentary Procedure and Roberts Rules of Order to run a meeting in a specific amount of time. The CCM team also includes saying Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The Parliamentary Procedure team took 1st overall with team members including Chair- Lillian Enger and Floor members- Brenna Friel, Rachel Light, Gracie Shaffer, Lori Weiss, and Sydney Rausch. Individual results include Lillian- 1st overall Chair, Lori- 2nd overall floor member, Sydney- 3rd overall floor member, and Rachel 4th overall floor member. (Brenna and Gracie were both in top 10, only the top 5 is announced).

The Conduct of Chapter Meetings Team took 1st overall and included President Carmen Ellis, Vice President Ava Paullin, Reporter Mercedes Manuel, Secretary Payton Heiser, Treasurer Jasmine Petmecky, Sentinel Drake Hardesty, and Advisor Indra Nolan. Individual results include Carmen- 1st overall President, Ava- 1st overall floor member, Mercedes- 2nd overall floor member, Payton- 3rd overall floor member, Indra- 4th overall floor member, and Jasmine- 5th overall floor member. (Drake was 6th overall, only top 5 are announced).  Both teams will be advancing to Districts in April! Congratulations!

The JV Boys Basketball team has a tournament on Saturday 12/3 beginning at 9:30am in Cerro Gordo-Bement.  Good Luck Knights!


Lunch menu for today is: Cheese Pizza with Strawberry Spinach Salad, Carrot Sticks with Ranch, Fruit, Juice and Milk