for Thursday, December 15th
High School Yearbooks are on sale now for $50 until Feb. 24th! After that date the price will go up! See Ms. Thacker to order one.
If you have a library book, please don't forget to return or renew any library books that are overdue before the end of the semester.
The next FFA Meeting is TONIGHT with committees at 6:30 and chapter meeting at 7 pm.
Friday’s Christmas dress up day is: Christmas Colors
1st semester finals begin Friday 12/16 and continue 12/19 and 12/20! Holiday break starts 12/21 thru 1/3. We’ll be back in the new year on January 4th!
Here’s your Christmas joke of the day:
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?
A: Frostbite
(Thanks Mrs. Paullin for providing the jokes!)
If you can run, jump or throw implements, track and field is your sport. See coach Miles asap if you are interested in girls track in the spring.
TONIGHT is a Varsity only Lady Knights Basketball game at HOME vs. GCMS at 5:30pm. Please wear PINK in memory of Mrs. Janice Harden, who was an aide at the high school for 278 years.
Congratulations to Senior Gracie Shaffer who signed her letter of intent to play Volleyball at Milliken last night!
Lunch menu for today is: Chicken Sandwich, Roasted Parmesan Broccoli, Fruit, Juice and Milk