for Wednesday, March 20th
The following pictures will be in the old gym at 9:00 am for the yearbook. You will be called down from your class for the picture on:
Thursday: all FFA members
Friday: all Student Council members
Attention Tech Prep Interns - there will be Tech Prep Seminar on Friday during 7th and 8th hours. Please remember to tell your business partner and please be on time to class.
The local scholarship applications packets are in Mrs. Whitehouse's office. All seniors are encouraged to pick them up and get started. All applications in the packet are due by Wednesday April 3rd at noon. You may turn in your applications as you finish them.
The following students have coupons for tux rentals @ Men's Wearhouse - Brenden Flannell, Brady Masengale, Luke Nichols, and Zach Stephens. Please see them for the coupons!
Seniors: Please bring your baby pictures for the graduation slideshow by Apr. 1st. If you do not have your senior pics by then we would still like your other pics and baby pics by then. Last day to accept senior pics is May 1. Digital photos are best. Send them to athacker@blueridge18.org If you don't have digital, bring them in and we can scan them and return them to you.
Today both the Baseball and Softball games are CANCELLED for today!
After school detentions this week are with Mrs. Whitehouse.
Lunch menu for today is: Spaghetti w/Garlic Stick or NEW on the MENU today: Taco Salad Bar with all the fixings!!
Thank you and have a great day!