The dining area online will list the base meal that is offered. For specifics about your students lunch please go to the "Links for Parents" page
about 7 years ago, Blue Ridge CUSD 18
Freshman Orientation for current 8th graders is Wednesday, Feb 7th at 7:00 PM in the BRHS commons. Students should attend with a parent. Teachers will be present with displays and information starting at 6:30.
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Blue Ridge National Honor Society spent part of their morning helping area Senior Citizens learn more about their cell phones. This is part of the TRIAD community out reach program.
about 7 years ago, Nancy Hoffman
Diane Williams Night - Tues., Feb. 6 at half time of HS basketball game! Mrs. Williams is the new BR Wall of Fame inductee! Reception follows in library. She would love to see all her old students!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
KEY CLUB/KIWANIS CHILI SUPPER, Feb. 10, 5-7 p.m. at BRHS, 411 N. John Street, Farmer City. Cost is $5 for delicious Imo's chili, drink & dessert. Proceeds go toward community service projects!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Congratulations to Mrs. De Los Santos, JH Math Teacher, who received a grant from the Blue Ridge Education Foundation for a ViewSonic Smart White Board. Cutting edge technology, well done!
about 7 years ago, Andrea Weedman
New cutting edge technology for JH Math
Keep up-to-date on the DeWitt Co. Coalition for Bright Futures underage drinking prevention campaign at, @WeAreMorepcmhc on Facebook, or iammore.dewitt on Instagram.
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Kindergarten Registration and Orientation will be held on Monday, March 12 at 6 p.m. in the Schneider School Cafeteria. More info at:
about 7 years ago, Kristi Woliung
KEY CLUB/KIWANIS CHILI SUPPER, Feb. 10, 5-7 p.m. at BRHS, 411 N. John Street, Farmer City. Cost is $5 for delicious Imo's chili, drink & dessert. Proceeds go toward community service projects!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
REMINDER: BRHS Cheerleaders are holding a cheer camp on Feb. 10 from 9-12 a.m. for K-6th grade. Cost is $25. Registration is due tomorrow if you want a t-shirt. Late Registration is day of at 8:30 am
about 7 years ago, Nancy Hoffman
Would you like to keep up on the latest news and information from BR Schools? Here is a link to all the ways to stay informed and get involved!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Blue Ridge Foundation members planning the Daddy-Daughter dance. Come to our next meeting to help plan this fun annual event! BREF meets next on Feb. 12 at 6:30 pm at Imo’s!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Teachers Lois Dowling, Ethan Hanson, Chris Mitchell, and Jill Moak; and students Olivia Isaacs, Zack McKitrick, and Kaitlyn Stephens were recognized by the FC Chamber of Commerce at their annual dinner! Congratulations on the well-deserved honor!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
The Superintendent's Monthly Message for January is now available at Have a wonderful weekend!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
BRHS Cheerleaders are holding a cheer camp on Feb. 10 from 9-12 a.m. for K-6th grade. Cost is $25. Registration is due on Jan. 26 includes a t-shirt. Late Registration is day of at 8:30 a.m.
about 7 years ago, Nancy Hoffman
BRHS Cheerleaders are holding a Cheer Clinic
Here is a link to the flier for details on "A Knight to Remember" dinner and talent show fundraiser for the band's DC Trip. You won't want to miss this fun night!
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Story Time/ Blue Ridge Spirit Fridays beginning with 9:30am play time followed at 10am for Story Time. Ages: Infant through Preschool. Come dressed in Blue Ridge attire or blue & grey to receive a small prize. For more info:,309-928-9532, or Facebook.
about 7 years ago, Susan Wilson
Save the evening of Feb. 16 for "A Knight to Remember Talent Show & Feast" A fabulous, fun family event including dinner/talent show benefiting Blue Ridge bands' D.C trip. Tickets on sale soon!
about 7 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Phones are back up and running at transportation!
about 7 years ago, Blue Ridge CUSD 18
BRIJHS Important Dates for the Public are available at this link:
about 7 years ago, Andrea Weedman