2nd Shift Custodian
Interested Applicants please send letter of interest and resume to:
Greg Builta
411 N. John St.
Farmer City, IL 61842
Deadline to Apply: January 22, 2018

Superintendent's Monthly Message for December is now posted at http://5il.co/2jdf

The agendas for the December 20 Special and Regular Board of Education meetings are posted at www.blueridge18.org. Go to Menu, Board of Education, and then Board Agenda/Minutes.

The Movie with Santa scheduled for this Saturday, December 16th at BRHS Old Gym, has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

All Blue Ridge buildings are participating in #ComputerScienceWeek #hourofcode @code.org

Check out this masterful creation by Bonnie Wright. It even lights up inside to reveal a tiny smartboard with math problems on it. See it in person at the Schneider School Library!

Blue Ridge Scholastic Bowl team finished third today in the Mike Hendricks Memorial Scholastic Bowl Tournament. Parker Otto was the top scorer in the tournament. Congratulations Coach Miles and team.

In Science this week, 1st graders have been working on two STEM projects. Check out these beginning engineers!

FC pharmacist Norma Holtz presents to Parent Academy on the opioid crisis. BR guidance counselors Cara Wells and Leslie Whitehouse shared resources for mental health and social emotional development. Very informative evening.

Our student handbook is now online. Click here to check it out http://5il.co/2cho

Position Available: Operations and Maintenance Supervisor. If interested, send letter of application and resume to Susan Wilson, Superintendent, 411 N. John St., Farmer City, IL 61842 by Dec. 12.

Parent Academy Nov. 29- CHILDREN IN CRISIS: WHAT DO I LOOK FOR? HOW CAN I HELP? Pharmacist Norma Holtz & BR Counselors give important info for families. RSVP by Nov. 21. Details at http://5il.co/2ac4

Blue Ridge Board members recognized for excellence at the school board convention in Chicago this weekend. Way to represent!

Superintendent's Monthly Update for November is now posted at http://5il.co/2bcd. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy School Board Members Day to Justin Otto, Dale Schneman, Franci Miller, Matt Althaus, Curt Homann, Kenna Dunlap Johnson, and Dion Lathrom. Thank you for serving and leading our schools!

Parent Academy Nov. 29- CHILDREN IN CRISIS: WHAT DO I LOOK FOR? HOW CAN I HELP? Pharmacist Norma Holtz & BR Counselors give important info for families. RSVP by Nov. 21. Details at

Happy American Education Week! We honor the team of people who work with our students: teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians, secretaries, and support staff. Thank you!

Jan. 18 BroMenn is hosting Youth Mental Health First Aid Course, to teach parents and other caring citizens how to help youth with mental health or addiction challenges. Register at 1.800.3.ADVOCATE

Red Cross will install free smoke alarms for those who cannot afford them or are physically unable to install. For more information go to https://getasmokealarm.org/

So proud of the BRIJHS Flag Project. Nice article in the News-Gazette: http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2017-11-12/top-the-morning-nov-12-2017.html