Agendas for the Nov. 15 special and regular meetings of Blue Ridge Board of Education are posted at www.blueridge18.org. Regular meeting at 7 pm & Special meeting at 6:50 pm in the BRHS Library.

Today, was Schneider's "Salute to the Veterans" assembly. Thank you to all our veterans for their service!

BACC Open House is set for Thurs., Nov. 16 from 5:30-7 p.m. See flier at http://5il.co/25l6 for more information. This gives students a chance to see all the programs available to them!

The Fall BACC Newsletter is now posted at http://5il.co/28a5. Lots of good information on this great program for our high schoolers!

We listed the incorrect phone number on a previous post. To register for the Safe Sitter Class at John Warner Hospital on Nov. 11 from 10-3:30 p.m. call 217-937-5258.

Salt Creek Resource Center is packaging food for the Backpack Program in the Ag Room (North Side of BRHS) on Wed., Nov. 8 at 1:30 PM for 1-2 hours. Volunteers are needed. Stop by and help if you can!

Schneider Elementary is hosting our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Seniors and grandparents are invited to join us for our Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, November 16th. Cost is $2.75 per person. Please pay at the door, no money will be accepted beforehand. Also, please RSVP to the Schneider Office by the end of school Tuesday, November 14th. The dinner will be served in the BRHS Moore Gym.

Band trip will load at 10 am Saturday. Seeyou then!

The students and staff of Schneider Elementary School cordially invite all Veterans to attend a special program in their honor. The program will be held in the Moore Gym at Blue Ridge High School at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 10, 2017. Veterans and their families are also invited to join us for lunch from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Please RSVP for lunch to the Schneider School office at 309-928-2611. No RSVP needed for those coming to the program only.

Bloomington Area Career Center Open House is Thurs., Nov. 16, 5:30-7 pm. Tour the programs and labs and see the many options available to high school juniors and seniors! Location: Bloomington HS.

Some of you have been looking for the district calendar. Here it is....http://5il.co/259q

The Blue Ridge Board of Education was one of 20 school boards to earn the Illinois Association of School Board 2017 School Board Governance Recognition designation. This recognition is designed to acknowledge those school boards that have engaged in activities and modeled behaviors that lead to excellence in local school governance in support of quality public education. The recognition was formally presented at the October IASB Abe Lincoln Division Meeting. In addition, the school board conference in November will have a special display to recognize the boards who were awarded this distinction.

Superintendent's Monthly Update is posted at www.blueridge18.org. Look for info on changes to communications!

Nov. 1 we change from SchoolMessenger to Apptegy for school communications. For push notifications, download app from Google Play Store or Apple Store. Watch for a parent letter for more details.

Wishing our awesome principals, Mr. Peyton, Mrs. Nichols, and Mr. Lawrence, a very happy Principal Appreciation Day! If you get a chance, tell them thank you for all they do!

Last call for parent feedback on the all-district evacuation drill we held Oct. 5. The survey will be closed tomorrow afternoon. To respond, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BREvacParentFeedback

There is a facilities rental meeting for all organizations that rent BRHS and BRIJHS on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m. in the commons.

Agenda for the October 18, 2017 regular meeting of the BR Board of Education is posted at www.blueridge18.org under "Documents" and "Board of Education". Special presentation: PreK/Growing Together!

The parent meeting for Jr. High Boys' Basketball will be Thursday, October 12, at 5:30 in the Intermediate Gym of BRIJHS.

The High School Winter Sports meeting has been moved to Monday, Oct. 23, 6pm in the new gym.