2nd Grade Parents - Due to weather concerns, 2nd graders will be eating at school (parents are welcome!) Weather permitting, 2nd grade will be headed to Weedman park after lunch.
Thanks for being flexible!

Phone Update: All functions have been restored. Thanks to our amazing Technology Department for their hard work today! #br_u_knighted

Phone update: We have temporary phone lines set up in the Unit Office, BRHS Office, and Schneider Elementary which can be accessed through the regular numbers. For any transportation needs, please contact the respective school building and we will relay the message for you. Thank you for your understanding. #br_u_knighted

Attention BR Families, our Farmer City phone lines are not currently working. Until we notify you again, for any emergencies, please use the BRIJHS phone number, 217 489-5201, and they will relay your message to the correct Farmer City location. *Phone number has been corrected. #br_u_knighted

A variety of positions are open at all Blue Ridge schools. Take a look at the flyers and for more details, go to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103

Dear BRIJHS Band Parents,
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Mitchell tested positive today for COVID. Mr. Mitchell will be isolating for 5 days, which means he will not be able to attend the concert this evening . THE CONCERT WILL GO ON. Mrs. Wrestler has stepped up to fill the void. The concert will include 5th Grade Beginning Band, Junior High Chorus, and Junior High Band, including 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Mrs. Wrestler is doing a wonderful thing to make this concert happen, but due to missing parts, we have decided to cancel the 6th Grade Drumline performance. We will do our best to find an opportunity for them to perform before the end of the school year. Have a wonderful evening of music. Thank you for your support of the Arts at Blue Ridge. In music, Christopher Mitchell

All families and community members are asked to park behind the high school gym for Promenade and Coronation on Saturday. Please enter through the back gym doors. Festivities begin at 5 pm.

It was a glorious day for a wedding at recess! No, not the students.....the dolls! The school year may be wrapping up for 8th graders, but we sure enjoyed the invites and spontaneous fun!

BRHS Prom is Saturday! Promenade and Coronation will begin at 5:00 on Saturday in the gym. Students should arrive between 4:15 and 4:30 for outside pictures. Line-up in the commons at 4:45. Students should park in the front of the school or in the north faculty parking lot. The public should park behind the school and enter through the back door by the gym. Prom is at Epiphany Farms Estate in Downs from 8-11 p.m. Students can change clothes at the Estate, so they can go directly to Post Prom. Post Prom is at BRHS from 11:30 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. Doors will be locked at 12:00! Food and drinks will be provided. Be smart and have a safe Prom weekend.

It's time for the Superintendent's Monthly Update for May! Please click on the link: https://5il.co/1aftk. Included in this month's issue is a welcome to our new BRIJHS Principal and lots of student and staff recognition! #br_u_knighted

Our last retiree celebration is for Mrs. Wrestler! #br_u_knighted

Congratulations to this month’s Exemplary Knights!!

MENU CHANGE for tomorrow, May 12. Pulled Pork will be served at all 3 school buildings for lunch. #br_u_knighted

This week's retiree celebration begins with Mrs. Sproat! #br_u_knighted

Purple bus is running 10 min behind this morning. We apologize for any inconvenience.

The WHITE bus is running 15-20 minutes behind due to unexpected bus issues. Sorry for any inconvenience! #br_u_knighted

Our second retiree that we'd like to celebrate is Mr. Seneca! #br_u_knighted

Kindergarteners learn 50+ sight words during the school year! Mrs. Ward’s class practiced some of these words this morning with a hands-on “sight word parking lot” game. We have some awesome early readers at Blue Ridge!

BRIJHS Junior High teachers had a pretty special surprise today - their very own personalized superhero capes!
Thanks, Student Council, for your creative and fun efforts!