This week we will begin recognizing our retirees, starting with Mrs. Tracy Barding! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
T Barding
Good afternoon. Due to an activity cancelation, the Red bus will now be on time this afternoon. Thank you! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Please join me in celebrating our educators all week long!
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Teacher Appreciation
Due to many trips this afternoon, the Red bus will be running up to 20 minutes. The Blue bus will be running up to 10 mins behind, which will cause a delay in the shuttle and a few of the normal route stops. Thanks for your understanding. #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The newest job position open at BR is for a District Librarian! Be sure to check out the link with all of the current job positions available too!
almost 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Yesterday was National Principal Appreciation Day. Even during Teacher Appreciation Week, would you also join me in thanking our Blue Ridge Principals for a job well done? Thank you, BR Principals! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Principal Appreciation
The BRIJHS junior high hallway had an uplifting message from Student Council this morning! #br_u_knighted #teacherappreciationweek
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Weedman
appreciation bulletin board
The CICEO Trade Show is happening this week! Please click on the link for more details. You won't want to miss out on the business ideas that this class has been working on this year! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Schneider students were so excited for recess, today!! Thank you P.I.E for your generous donation to help purchase new recess equipment. #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
Knight Parents, We strive to stay connected with you! Please make sure we have your most current information and keep us posted when changes happen to your address, email or phone number. Thank you! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Reminder to keep us updated
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Admin Professional
Please share this invite with your friends and neighbors! Come check out all the outstanding work by these CICEO students, including BR's own Grace Coffey! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
CICEO 2022
School Improvement Day for teachers means no school for students! Enjoy your long weekend and we'll see you on Tuesday! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The Superintendent's Monthly Update for April is linked here: Please take some time to read about what is happening across the district! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Congratulations to our April Exemplary Knights!!
almost 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
Good afternoon, please see the linked letter regarding upcoming intruder drills at each of our school buildings: If you have any questions, please contact your school office. Thank you! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Registration has been extended to April 27, so there is still time to sign up. Please do so today!
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Hoops, Helmets, and Heroes
Check out the flyers for just a couple of job opportunities within the district!! And be sure to check out the full list at
almost 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
art and music
Good afternoon, BR! The Blue bus route (#56) will be running up to 20 minutes late this afternoon. Thank you! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Blue Ridge Connect is back on April 20 in Bellflower. Last call! Please call the unit office or RSVP at the link to tell us that you will be there! #br_u_knighted
almost 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Blue Ridge Connect