Our 5th grade students had time to experiment with mass today!

Good morning, Blue Ridge! I wanted to let you know that we are watching the weather today. If weather conditions would make our regular dismissal time hazardous, we will announce our plans as soon as possible. Thank you and please join me in watching for those promised May flowers!! #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge Connect is back on April 20 in Bellflower! The date is getting close, so please call the unit office or RSVP at the link to tell us that you will be there! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BD2XNFN #br_u_knighted

Lunch at BRIJHS tomorrow (4-12) will be soft taco instead of walking taco.

Do you know any home-schooled families who live in our district who may be interested in part-time attendance in our schools? Please let them know that all requests for attendance in the 2022-2023 school year must be submitted before May 1. Please contact the unit office or your respective building principal for more information. #br_u_knighted

Sorry for the repost! Trying with a new link.
Parents/Guardians, please see the attached information regarding our school wide testing day at BRHS. This is for April 13th (next Wednesday).

Have you registered yet? 4-H Intro to Robotics is free to youth 8+. Join us at the Farmer City Public Library this Saturday, April 9, from 10-11 a.m. Register today at https://extension.illinois.edu/events/2022-04-09-4-h-introduction-robotics #br_u_knighted

Good Evening, Schneider Families!! Don’t forget Thursday’s Spring Open House from 6:00-7:00 pm. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Good afternoon. I want to share a brief safety update with you. Thanks to a quick response at BRIJHS this afternoon, three Piatt County Deputies responded to a call regarding an adult male who was found on district property outside of BRIJHS. The deputies peacefully removed the person and everyone is safe. Thanks to those who spoke up so we could keep our students and staff safe. #br_u_knighted

Join Farmer City 4-H Cloverbud Club, Community Clovers, and Blue Ridge Stem club for a day of Helmets, Hoops, and Heroes!
Bring your family for a day of fun!
Get to know our local law enforcement officers.
Illinois State police will be here with pedal carts on a small driving course. (If you can pedal you can participate.)
Farmer City Police will also be doing a bike safety check station; please bring your bikes and helmets.
Blue Ridge STEM club will be bringing some fun STEM activities for everyone to participate in!
Register a team of 3 friends and be paired with a firefighter in our community for a 4 on 4 basketball tournament. (ages 8-16)
Pre-Registration is required by April 15th at https://go.illinois.edu/HHH

K-8 families: Don't forget, Family Literacy Night at BRIJHS is today, April 1, 5-7pm!
Come shop the Scholastic Book Fair, enjoy crafts and games, read with a therapy dog, and get information about library cards and the Summer Reading Program at Blue Ridge Township Public Library. You can also shop online now until April 10 at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brijhs.
Every purchase helps earn books for our school library, and we appreciate your support. Hope to see you there!

Good evening, please see the linked letter for an update from BRIJHS. Thank You! https://5il.co/17z3r #br_u_knighted

Please take a minute to read the linked letter regarding an upcoming canine search in the district: https://5il.co/17wd9 Thank you for your support as we work to keep our schools safe! #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge Connect is back on April 20 in Bellflower! Have you RSVP'd yet? Please call the unit office or RSVP at the link to tell us that you will be there! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BD2XNFN #br_u_knighted

Huge attraction coming to Farmer City!! The ILLINI 100 is coming to the Farmer City Raceway on April 1 & 2. Discounted tickets are available to students and families that reside in the Blue Ridge school district. Check out the flyer for details! https://5il.co/179pa

Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment.
Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!

Knight Families - Our PK-8th Yearbooks are available for sale!
Please secure your copy by following the instructions on the flyer or following this link:
#memories #br_u_knighted

K-8 families: Family Literacy Night is happening at BRIJHS this Friday, April 1, 5-7pm!
Come shop the Scholastic Book Fair, enjoy crafts and games, read with a therapy dog, and get information about library cards and the Summer Reading Program at Blue Ridge Township Public Library. You can also shop online now until April 10 at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/brijhs.
Every purchase helps earn books for our school library, and we appreciate your support. Hope to see you there!

Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment.
Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!

Please take a look at the summer opportunities that are coming your way!