Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment.
Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!

We have some great opportunities on April 9 for you- an Intro to Robotics AND Indoor Herb Gardening! Please be sure to register soon to reserve your spot. Thanks, 4-H for making these activities possible! #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge Connect is back on April 20 in Bellflower! Please call the unit office or RSVP at the link to tell us that you will be there! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BD2XNFN #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment.
Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!

The ILLINI 100 is coming to the Farmer City Raceway on April 1 & 2. Discounted tickets are available to students and families that reside in the Blue Ridge school district. Check out the flyer for details! https://5il.co/179pa

Please click on the link to view the Superintendent's Monthly Update for March: https://5il.co/17cfl. Inside you'll find information about Blue Ridge Connect to be held on April 20 at the Bellflower Community Center. More information will follow and here's the RSVP link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BD2XNFN

Good evening! I wanted to remind you that our schools dismiss at 2:20 tomorrow as we head into Spring Break. Be safe. Have fun. Recharge. We look forward to seeing you after break! #br_u_knighted

Reminder that there has been a lunch menu change for Schneider and BRHS today. TATER TOT Casserole will be served (no pork fritter)! BRIJHS lunch has NO change.

Congratulations to this month’s Exemplary Knights!

There has been a lunch menu change for Schneider and BRHS tomorrow. TATER TOT Casserole will be served (no pork fritter)! BRIJHS lunch has NO change.

The Eastern Illinois Foodbank and Trinity Community Fellowship are teaming up to bring the FOODMOBILE to you on April 2 from 9:30-10:30! If you reside in DeWitt, McLean or Piatt County and meet the income eligibility guidelines, be sure and reserve your spot by pre-registering. Check out the flyer for more information! https://5il.co/1771z

The agenda for the Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, March 16, can be found here: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1708

Our Knights danced the weekend away! First up was 7th & 8th grade on Friday night. Thanks to Mrs. Niebur and Mrs. Yeagle for chaperoning, Mike Roy for always filling our DJ needs, Boosters for snacks, and Student Council for setting up!

As a follow up, most of our K-5 learners have E-Learning packets at home for today. If there are any students in need of picking up supplies AND the road conditions in your area are safe, buildings will be open by 8:00 am for you to get those supplies. For BRHS, please use the north entrance. Coaches and sponsors will communicate about today's activities. Thank you.

Our 7th & 8th grade Junior High dance is still on for tonight. Find your dancing shoes! The dance will be held from 6-8 p.m in the JH gym. Student Council members signed up for set up, please be at the school at 4:30 p.m.
We are looking forward to it!

What a surprise! The road conditions in our rural areas are unsafe for bus travel this morning. North south roads are drifting and some areas are quite slick. We will have an E-Learning Day today, Friday, March 11. Your teachers will see you on Google Meets. Be safe! #br_u_knighted

Is it time to make plans for summer? Please see the 2022-2023 school calendar linked here: https://5il.co/16wwd #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment.
Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!

Are you interested in robotics? Piatt County 4H is offering a workshop that you won't want to miss! Click on the link to learn more: https://5il.co/16xmg #br_u_knighted