Due to inclement weather, Blue Ridge will use an E-Learning Day on Thursday, 2.16.22. Learning activities will be provided through Google classroom, Google Meets, SeeSaw, or Clever. All Thursday activities are cancelled, including YZone. Be safe. We'll see you on Tuesday! #b r_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
I can't believe I forgot the before photo! My lunch was prepared by the BRHS Life Skills class and it was absolutely scrumptious! I can't wait for the next invite (Hint, Hint). #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Empty dishes
Dear BR Parents, we are watching the forecast for Thu. which includes significant ice, snow, and wind. It is likely that these conditions would make travel unsafe. We have notified staff and they will be preparing for a potential E-Learning Day tomorrow, Thu. 2.17.22. A final decision will be made tonight or early tomorrow morning and communicated to you. As a reminder, there is no student attendance on Fri. (Teacher Institute) and Mon. (Washington's B-day). We are working through some logistical issues with ISBE regarding meal service on E-Learning Days. We are not sending home meals this afternoon and it is unlikely that we can safely deliver meals tomorrow. That said, we would still plan to label the day as E-Learning; it will not be made up at the end of the year. #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Ever thought about working at Blue Ridge-now is your chance! There are currently teacher positions open at all 3 schools, a variety of coaching positions, bus driver positions and even a day shift custodian position. Take a peek to see if one of the positions fit you!! https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103
about 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Attention Parents of Blue Ridge 8th Graders, On March 14, 2022, our 8th grade students will be completing the Illinois Youth Survey. The IYS is a voluntary survey conducted by the Center for Prevention Research and Development at the University of Illinois, meant to better understand youth risk and protective behaviors as they relate to students and their success. The survey is 100% anonymous and is conducted at the school. The survey is 40-45 minutes long. CLICK HERE https://5il.co/15jjk to view the parent opt-out form, which contains more information about the IYS procedures, risks, benefits, parent rights, and student's rights. This is also being sent home with 8th grade students today. If you do not wish for your child to participate in this survey, you may fill out and return the parent opt-out form to the school. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Cara Niebur (cniebur@blueridge18.org) or Katie Nichols (knichols@blueridge18.org). #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The Blue Ridge #18 app is getting a facelift! Most notably, the menu button will have a new location in the bottom left corner, rather than the upper left corner. The app design will provide more functionality with news available as you open the home screen. We hope you find it helpful! As a reminder, if you have not downloaded the free app, please do so by searching Blue Ridge #18, IL and allowing push notifications. Thank you! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Kindergarten Registration and Orientation will be held on Tuesday, March 8 at 5:15 and 6:15 p.m. in the Schneider School Cafeteria, 309 N. John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. Students who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are eligible for Kindergarten. Parents only may attend the orientation session (no children please). Parents will need to bring an official birth certificate and two proofs of residence if your child did not attend the Blue Ridge PreK/ECSE program. Children must have a birth certificate and up-to-date physical and immunization record before entering school in the fall. These items are required before your child can attend the first day of school. Please call the Schneider Office 309-928-2611 to ask any questions and/or to reserve a time slot. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Blue Ridge School District #18 will conduct free preschool screenings on March 31 and April 1 at Schneider Elementary School, 309 North John Street, Farmer City, Illinois. The developmental screening is for children who are 3 or 4 years old at the time of the screening. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2022 are not eligible for the screening. Please allow up to 2 hours for the screening. We ask you not to bring other children with you since you will be asked to join us during your child’s appointment. Parents will be asked to complete an information packet and return it to the school a week before the appointment. Please call Mary at the Schneider Office (309)928-2611 to schedule an appointment or ask any questions. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Hello Schneider Families! Our Kids Heart Challenge is going strong!! Your child is learning how nutrition and being active can help us live longer, healthier lives. If you would like to support the Kids Heart Challenge, simply click the link below and your child will earn some cool “thank you” gifts, all while helping others. We are asking kids to take the challenge to Move More and Be Kind. 102 students have joined our school’s team and taken the challenge already. Way to go!! You can get involved by downloading the mobile app to bring your Explorers to life and complete Finn’s Mission! Click Here to View our School's Website: https://www2.heart.org/site/TR?company_id=327754&fr_id=6319&pg=company
about 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
Kids Heart Challenge
With the thawing and refreezing, we have some very slippery areas. Please use extra caution in the FC circle drives and drop off lane. And Happy Valentine’s Day to all! 💙#br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Here's a great way to share some kindness...The Farmer City Chamber of Commerce would like to hear your voice! Please use this link to nominate a Blue Ridge Teacher/Staff member of the year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BT95VH8. Please use this link to nominate a Farmer City Citizen of the Year: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BTTL8HW. Please submit all nominations by February 14. Thank you for taking time to nominate those who do great things for our community! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Check out some of the great student artwork displayed throughout Schneider Elementary. We have some talented young artists! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
BR Parents, I am asking for your assistance. We are required to have students mask while riding district transportation. This week we have supplied a great number of disposable masks, have had many refusals, and many of the masks were thrown on the bus floor. Could you please assist us by reminding your students that they will need to be masked while on district transportation and also ensuring that they come prepared with a mask to use on their ride to and from school? Thank you for your understanding and your assistance. #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Due to continued driver shortages, we have a few routes that will run late again this afternoon, 2.10.22. The White bus (#55) will leave school up to 10 minutes late and arrive home up to 10 minutes late. The Blue bus (#56) will be leaving school up to 30 minutes late today and arriving home up to 30 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience. We're still hiring if you can assist! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Reminder that there is a lunch menu change for today at Schneider and the High School. Beef and Noodles will be served and the alternative is PB & J. BRIJHS will remain as posted. #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Lunch menu change for tomorrow (2/10) at Schneider and the High School. Beef and Noodles will be served and the alternative is PB & J. BRIJHS will remain as posted. #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Today, K-3 students participated in Junior Achievement. Junior Achievement lessons are done monthly and focus on the foundations of financial literacy.
about 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
BR Parents, we are sharing with you access to several no cost Positive Parenting Zoom Workshops. These are being offered through the efforts of Dr. Jeremy Larson and the Paris School District. We are thankful for the collaboration. The first workshop starts tonight, with others every second Wednesday of the month through June. Please let us know if give one or more a try! Find more info and the Zoom link here: https://5il.co/15eez #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Due to driver shortages, we have a few routes that will run late again this afternoon. The White bus (#55) will leave school up to 10 minutes late and arrive home up to 10 minutes late. The Blue bus (#56) will be leaving school up to 30 minutes late today and arriving home up to 30 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience. We're still hiring if you can assist! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Did you know that it's School Counselor's Week? Please celebrate the best of the best right here in Blue Ridge! Leslie Hieronymus, Cara Wells Niebur, and Cheyenne Clayton, we can't thank you enough for all you do! #br_u_knighted
about 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer