Ever thought about coaching a school sport?? Now is your chance!! Take a look at the flyers to see the available positions at the HS and JH. https://5il.co/12jbr https://5il.co/12jbs

Here is the link for the December Newsletter for BRIJHS:

The Eastern Illinois Foodbank and Trinity Community Fellowship are teaming up to bring the FOODMOBILE to you on December 4 from 9:30-10:30! If you reside in DeWitt, McLean or Piatt County and meet the income eligibility guidelines, be sure and reserve your spot by pre-registering. Check out the flyer for more information! https://5il.co/11y68

Mrs. Brackenhoff’s 2nd grade class was so excited to return to in-person learning, yesterday! They reflected on their Thanksgiving break in their journals as they enjoyed soft holiday music and a warm fire! #br_u_knighted

Sub teacher daily pay has increased, as of today!! Check out the flyer for details!! https://5il.co/12cuu

The Green bus (#4) is not running this afternoon, Thursday morning, and Thursday afternoon. Students on the Green route will be picked up by either the Purple bus (#6), or the Pink bus (#55). Please expect delays. #br_u_knighted

The Green bus (#4) will not be running this afternoon. Students on the Green route will ride either the Purple bus (#6), or the Pink bus (#55). Arrival times will be delayed. Thanks for your understanding. We are hiring, if you can assist us! #br_u_knighted

Good Morning, Knights! Here is December's Schneider Newsletter - https://5il.co/12fnu

We're thankful that we can welcome students back into the buildings tomorrow. We look forward to a great day together! #br_u_knighted

Families -
We are aware of some login issues with Clever this morning. Please try again if you experienced an error. It could take multiple attempts. We apologize for the incovenience! Don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher if you are concerned about your student being able to complete work.

SUB TEACHERS-check this out!!! Pay increase effective 12.1.21.

Good afternoon! After conferring with the DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department, we have learned that our Blue Ridge 5th grade is considered to be in outbreak status. With that information, and in consultation with ROE 17, we are considering today, tomorrow, and next Monday as remote learning days (versus E-Learning Days or Emergency Days). Principals have communicated with you about learning plans and those are still in place for the next two school days. Using remote days allows us to maintain our ability to use up to five E-Learning Days later this school year as needed.
We have also learned that our activities and athletics can still be held during remote instruction days with students who are not on the quarantine list. Coaches and sponsors will be reaching out to confirm plans. Strict adherence to masking protocols is required.
There were activities that were canceled today since some decisions had to be made prior to receiving the final word from the ROE. Thank you for your understanding and your patience!
Would you like your student to receive a free breakfast/lunch meal for Tuesday, 11.23.2021 and Monday, 11.29.2021? If so, please fill out the form by tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. Thank you! #br_u_knighted

As we focus on being thankful this month, we're thankful for our newest School Counselor. Please meet Ms. Cheyenne Clayton! #br_u_knighted

BR Parents, Monday, November 22, 2021 is an E-Learning Day. Special education students have been contacted and invited to learn on campus. Any student learning on campus will receive a meal, but no order form needs to be completed. For those learning from home, we will have three options for meal service. Meals can be requested and picked up at BRIJHS or Schneider Elementary between noon and 1 p.m. Meals can also be requested and picked up from a Blue Ridge vehicle at the Bellflower Community Center between 11:30-11:50 a.m. If your student is learning remotely and you would like to request a meal free of charge, please fill out the request form by 9 a.m. on Monday, November 22, 2021. Thank you. #br_u_knighted

Hopefully you saw the message from Dr. Stanifer regarding our e-learning plan through November 29th. If you didn’t see that yet, please visit the district website (live feed). Some items specific for the high school -
Our class schedule will be based on a 2:20 dismissal.
Students are expected to attend each of their classes remotely.
Teachers will have a google meet set up for all of their classes.
The building will be open by 8 a.m. on Monday if students need to come pick up their chromebook and/or books.
Other assignments that have to be printed out/copied for students will be available in the commons by 9:30 a.m. Monday.
Students who have an IEP have the option to attend class at school, but they may also join their class remotely from home if you choose. We will provide transportation, of course, if requested.
As of this moment, these days are going to be considered as e-learning days. This means that extra-curricular activities may still meet/compete. That status is subject to change, pending our communication with the health department on Monday.
If you have a student with unique circumstances, please email me (beaster@blueridge18.org) and I will try to get you an answer by Sunday night.
Thanks for your flexibility and understanding throughout this semester!

Dear BR Parents, due to rising COVID positive cases and close contacts, we will be learning from home on Monday, 11/22, Tuesday, 11/23, and Monday, 11/29. Special education students will learn on campus if they are not on quarantine. Parents of these students will be contacted with bus pick up and drop off times. Pre-K-6 special education students will be on campus 8:30-11:30; 7th-12th special education students will be on campus 8:20-2:20. After we speak with the health department on Monday, we will provide more information about athletics and activities. I will send out a message tomorrow about how to request meals and principals will message you about how and when to pick up materials. Thank you. Be well. #br_u_knighted

The Green bus (#4) is not running Friday, Monday or Tuesday. Students on the Green route will be picked up by either the Purple bus (#6), or the Pink bus (#55). The approximate delay is up to 30 minutes in the morning. Expect afternoon delays as well. Thanks for your understanding. We’re hiring, if you can assist us! #br_u_knighted

Hello! SHIELD testing during the week of Thanksgiving has been revised due to lab closures. High school students will be tested on Tuesday. The regular screening schedule will resume after Thanksgiving. #br_u_knighted

The Green bus (#4) is not running today. Students on the Green route will be picked up by either the Purple bus (#6), or the Pink bus (#55). The approximate morning delay is up to 30 minutes. The afternoon run will also be delayed for some stops. Thanks for your understanding. We’re hiring, if you can assist us!

The Green bus (#4) will not be running Wednesday. Students on the Green route will ride either the Purple bus (#6), or the Pink bus (#55). The approximate delay is up to 30 minutes in the morning, but could be longer in the afternoon. Thanks for your understanding. We’re hiring, if you can assist us!