We're close to the finish of our first semester! High school students begin their finals today. We're rooting for you!! As a reminder, all buildings dismiss at 2:20 on Friday, December 17. Be safe and enjoy your holiday season! #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Sub teacher daily pay has increased!! Check out the flyer for details!! https://5il.co/12cuu
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
sub teacher pay increase
The Green (#4) bus route will not be running this afternoon. That route will be split between the Pink and Purple routes. Please expect delays on arrival times home. The transportation dept is hiring!! #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Here's a reminder- If you are a parent of a Blue Ridge vaccinated student age 16 or older, please take a minute to let us know if you would be interested in your student participating in a COVID-19 booster clinic at school. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C25B3R5 If we have enough interest, we will host a clinic. Thank you. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The link for the booster information you just received will be easier to access here, rather than inside the survey: https://5il.co/13104.
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
If you are a parent of a Blue Ridge vaccinated student age 16 or older, please take a minute to let us know if you would be interested in your student participating in a COVID-19 booster clinic at school. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/C25B3R5 Thank you. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BRIJHS Parents- Our SHIELD testing partner did not have enough supplies to complete the weekly testing on Wednesday. They will be back tomorrow (12/10) to do the testing with staff and students. We hope to see our 4th-6th Grade parents tonight for Fa La La Land! Doors open at 6:30. All guests are required to wear masks. Due to low supply numbers, we are unable to provide masks at the door. We ask that you bring your own from home. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Katie Nichols
Sub teacher daily pay has increased!! Check out the flyer for details!! https://5il.co/12cuu
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
sub teacher pay increase
Reminder that the Green bus (#4) will not be running their route this afternoon. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Reminder that the Green bus (#4) will not be running their route this afternoon. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Such a fun night at our K/1 Winter Concert! K/1 students did an awesome job with their performances! #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
K/1 Concert
K/1 Concert
K/1 Concert
The Green bus (#4) will not be running the PM routes on 12/8 and 12/16 and the Green bus (#4) will not be running at all on 12/17. #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Sub teacher daily pay has increased!! Check out the flyer for details!! https://5il.co/12cuu
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Science teacher opening, starting 2nd semester of the 21-22 school term! Check out the flyer https://5il.co/12jv9 or visit the website https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103 for more details.
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
science teacher
Sub teacher daily pay has increased!! Check out the flyer for details!! https://5il.co/12cuu
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
sub teacher pay increase
Here's a sneak peek at the Kindergartners and first graders getting ready for their big show Tuesday! Hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Ryan Peyton
The Fa La La Land winter music performance by the 4th-6th grade students is quickly approaching on December 9. Be sure to mark your calendars and attend! Check out the flyer for more details https://5il.co/10yu5
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
The 2022-2023 school term will have a job opening for the Industrial Arts/Technology Education teacher. Check out the flyer for details https://5il.co/12jca and be sure to reach out to beaster@blueridge18.org for more details.
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Reminder of the lunch menu change for today. Chicken lo mein noodles and egg roll will be served for lunch today at all 3 buildings.
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Lunch menu change for all 3 buildings tomorrow - Chicken lo mein noodles and egg roll will replace the orange chicken originally on the menu.
over 3 years ago, Kristi Woliung