As a reminder, the Eastern IL Food Bank FOODMOBILE will be in Farmer City on September 11. Please see the flyer for more details. https://5il.co/xn2s #br_u_knighted

Do you know of a 4th-8th grader who would like to get involved with some STEAM activities once monthly after school? Check out the 4H flyer attached here: https://5il.co/ympe #br_u_knighted

Flu season is quickly approaching and Walgreens is here to help! They will be bringing a flu shot clinic to our buildings on September 10 for students (ages 3 and up) and staff. They will be starting at BRIJHS from 9-10:15, BRHS from 10:30-11:30 and Schneider from 11:30-1. Students and staff receiving the vaccine will need to come prepared with the completed consent form. These forms are available in all school offices or click this link for easy access https://5il.co/xpux Any questions, please reach out to Kristi in the Unit Office 309-928-9141.

The Eastern Illinois Foodbank and Trinity Community Fellowship are teaming up to bring the FOODMOBILE to you on September 11! If you reside in DeWitt, McLean or Piatt County and meet the income eligibility guidelines, be sure and reserve your spot by pre-registering. Check out the flyer for more information! https://5il.co/xr3g

Did you know? You can look in Qmlativ to see if your student is signed up for SHIELD-IL screening. Once in Qmlativ, click on the green menu button (three lines) in the top left corner. Choose "Health" from the dropdown menu. Under Features, choose "Shield Consent." If you selected yes to SHIELD-IL testing, you will see a checkmark for your student and a date. If you selected "no" for SHIELD-IL testing, there is no checkmark present in the checkbox. You can still sign your student up for SHIELD-IL testing by completing the consent form found here: https://5il.co/xadn. Please return completed forms to your school nurse by Tuesday 9.7.2021 if you want to have COVID-10 screening available to your student at school. We hope to have our program operational in the next few weeks, so don't miss this opportunity to get in the database now. If you give consent after Tuesday, you will experience additional delays. Did you know? You can monitor COVID-19 numbers on our webpage. Click on the COVID-19 banner and scroll down to see the number of positive cases and the number of current quarantines. Enjoy your weekend and be safe! #br_u_knighted

The Eastern IL Food Bank FOODMOBILE will be in Farmer City on September 11. Please see the flyer for more details. https://5il.co/xn2s #br_u_knighted

Good morning, BR! The purple bus (#6) will be running 10-15 minutes late due to oil and chip work. Thank you. #br_u_knighted

Flu season is quickly approaching and Walgreens is here to help! They will be bringing a flu shot clinic to our buildings on September 10 for students (ages 3 and up) and staff. They will be starting at BRIJHS from 9-10:15, BRHS from 10:30-11:30 and Schneider from 11:30-1. Students and staff receiving the vaccine will need to come prepared with the completed consent form. These forms are available in all school offices or click this link for easy access https://5il.co/xpux Any questions, please reach out to Kristi in the Unit Office 309-928-9141.

Are you interested in a paid position with the YZone program providing before and/or after school care for Blue Ridge students at Schneider Elementary? Please see the attached flyer for more information. https://5il.co/xyd0 #br_u_knighted

Schneider & BRIJHS Parents - Last call for last year's yearbook! If you didn't claim your yearbook yet, contact Mrs. Hardesty at mhardesty@blueridge18.org. The cost is $22 and the last day to grab an extra is 8/31.

BR Parents, we had a student medical emergency at BRIJHS. Parents have been notified and emergency personnel are on site. Thanks to our emergency responders for their quick response. #br_u_knighted

The Eastern Illinois Foodbank and Trinity Community Fellowship are teaming up to bring the FOODMOBILE to you on September 11! If you reside in DeWitt, McLean or Piatt County and meet the income eligibility guidelines, be sure and reserve your spot by pre-registering. Check out the flyer for more information! https://5il.co/xr3g

Flu season is quickly approaching and Walgreens is here to help! They will be bringing a flu shot clinic to our buildings on September 10 for students (ages 3 and up) and staff. They will be starting at BRIJHS from 9-10:15, BRHS from 10:30-11:30 and Schneider from 11:30-1. Students and staff receiving the vaccine will need to come prepared with the completed consent form. These forms are available in all school offices or click this link for easy access https://5il.co/xpux Any questions, please reach out to Kristi in the Unit Office 309-928-9141.

Good morning!
We were made aware that our Mansfield phone line 217-489-5201 is not working correctly and are troubleshooting. If you are trying to reach BRIJHS, please call 309-928-9141 and choose option 5 to be connected.

Good morning! We have two messages to share. First is the annual safety letter that describes the evacuation procedure should that become necessary to use this year. Thank you for reading it carefully: https://5il.co/xmr0. Second, I wanted to thank those who have signed up for the SHIELD-IL screening program. We are still waiting for a few steps to be completed; we will communicate with you when we are ready to begin screening. Thanks and let's have a great full week as we return to our 3:10 dismissal time! #br_u_knighted

Good morning, Blue Ridge! The purple bus (#6) is running 10 minutes late this morning. Thank you for your understanding. Let's make our first Monday a great one! #br_u_knighted

The red bus was delayed on an earlier route and is running approximately 30 minutes behind this afternoon. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please consider applying for one of our open driver positions, which could greatly assist us with running timely routes. #br_u_knighted

Good afternoon! Our first three days of school are coming to a close. Next week we return to our regular 3:10 dismissal time.
We did have our first positive COVID-19 case at the high school today. With our current masking requirement being followed, there will be no close contacts from within our classrooms. If a situation exists in which your son/daughter is determined to be a close contact, you will be notified by the school district and then by the health department. We are thankful that with our first case the contact tracing is complete and there are no close contacts involved. #br_u_knighted

Ever thought about substitute teaching?? There is a need for subs in all 3 buildings and we want YOU!! Check out the flyer or call the Unit Office @ 309-928-9141 for more details https://5il.co/xk2y

K-8th grade yearbooks from last year will be sent home with students this week. If you forgot to order, we have plenty of extras! Please email mhardesty@blueridge18.org if you need to purchase a 2020-2021 yearbook for $22.