School Supply Lists are now available!! School will be starting in just a little over 4 weeks so start shopping now to beat the rush!! Schneider: https://5il.co/gswa BRIJHS: https://5il.co/veus BRHS: https://5il.co/t6cc

Have you seen the draft E-Learning Plan? We will have a public hearing on July 21, 2021 at 6:50 p.m. in the BRHS Library if you would like to share your comments with us. The draft plan can be found here: https://5il.co/vfwp. The plan would allow students to learn remotely on inclement weather days for up to five days per school year. #br_u_knighted

Calling all theatre lovers! This weekend you won't want to miss Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, presented by the BRHS Thespian Troupe 5290 & Friends. Contact Sarah Yeagle to reserve those seats and purchase those tickets! Call/Text 217-369-8490 or email syeagle@blueridge18.org.

BRHS Soccer season is here and summer workouts have started!
Workouts are Tuesday through Thursday from 6-8 pm. Please feel free to attend a workout to see what they are all about. Or reach out to a current player with questions. No experience required, just a desire to have fun and learn something new. Please let Coach Shannon Flannell know if you have questions at sflannell@blueridge18.org.

Calling all Blue Ridge Kindergarten students and families! Please see the Kindergarten Jumpstart flyer attached: https://5il.co/u684. We can’t wait to see you! #br_u_knighted

High school students: Football practice for the fall season has started! Practices this week (7/12-7/16) are 6-9 a.m. and 6-8 p.m. If you are interested in playing this fall, please contact one of the coaches via email or Facebook. You can also attend a practice to observe if you aren’t sure if football is for you. Hope to see you or your athlete there!
Assistant Coach Kramer: dkramer@blueridge18.org

Do you have an incoming 7th or 8th grader that is interested in trying out for cheerleading? Tryout clinics and practice will be held on July 24 and July 30 from 5pm-7pm. Official tryouts will be held on July 31 from 8am-10am. Be sure to fill out the google form https://forms.gle/ofxbZyNUMwBW2jWQ8 to receive further details! Contact Madi at madirhouser@gmail.com with questions.

It's time to see all the Water Play that is going on this summer! Show us a picture in the comments of our Facebook post! #br_u_knighted

The district sends its thoughts and prayers to the family of former employee Shawnee Reynolds who passed away on June 21, 2021. The obituary is scheduled to be in the Pantagraph next week. #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.

Looking for before and/or after school child care for a Blue Ridge K-5th grade student? Please click on the link to learn more about the Y Zone program housed at Schneider Elementary. What could be better? https://5il.co/v26e #br_u_knighted

King Baseball Summer Clinics are later this month. Be sure to check out the flyer for more details! https://5il.co/tkz9

King Baseball Summer Clinics are this month. Be sure to check out the flyer for more details!

Show us how you celebrated July 4 on our Summer Knights weekly post! #br_u_knighted

Has your family struggled to afford home internet access during the pandemic? Please click on the link to learn about the Emergency Broadband Benefit program and feel free to share this with others who may be interested. https://5il.co/usnx #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.

The Superintendent's Monthly Update for June 2021 can be found here: https://5il.co/uwdb. Would there be a challenge inside this month? You'll have to read to find out! #br_u_knighted

Crafting at Home is this week's Summer Knights theme. Join us by posting a picture in the comments of our Facebook post! #br_u_knighted

Batter Up!! Baseball Clinics will be held at Weedman Park in July. See the flyer for more details!! https://5il.co/tkz9

Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.