Looking for support for summer lunches? Farmer City UMC is offering a Summer Lunch Club. Please see the flyer attached: https://5il.co/ta8f #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Summer Knights wants to see how you can respond to this week's theme...Popsicles, Popsicles, Popsicles! #br_u_knighted
over 3 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
One more reminder that the DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department will be hosting special walk-in COVID vaccination clinics for students aged 12-18 in their offices located at 5924 Revere Road in Clinton on June 24 from 1 to 6 p.m. (second doses would be July 15). Please see the attached information. Pfizer fact sheet: https://5il.co/szyv Pfizer consent form: https://5il.co/r1wq. #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Did you see the fantastic FFA piece in the News Gazette? http://news-gazette.il.newsmemory.com/?publink=0c50d6cc7 You won't want to miss this! #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.
almost 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Looking for a Covid-19 vaccination clinic? Please see the offerings at Gibson Area Hospital! https://5il.co/u13m #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
This week's Summer Knights theme is in honor of Flag Day! Show us your pictures in the comments of our Facebook post. #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.
almost 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
School districts will be receiving federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. One of the requirements that districts must follow is to seek public comment on their plan for spending the funds. The ESSER III grant opens on July 1, 2021, and we have been planning diligently for months in preparation for its release. You are invited to attend the June 16, 2021 Board of Education meeting where you will hear more about the details planned to date. You may also make public comment at that time. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 can be read here: https://5il.co/tvfk. A recently released ESSER FAQ can be found here: https://5il.co/tvfl. The district’s ESSER Draft Return to In Person Learning Plan that will be presented at the board meeting can be found here: https://5il.co/tvfj. We hope to see you at next week’s meeting! #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
If you're looking to become more involved with monitoring your child's digital life at home on devices during the summer months, please see the invitation link to sign up for Bark Jr. (free for your lifetime). https://tinyurl.com/xzcuj4mh
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Screen Time feature
This week for Summer Knights...Fishing, Anyone? Show us your pictures in the comments of the Facebook post! #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department will be hosting special walk-in COVID vaccination clinics for students aged 12-18 in their offices located at 5924 Revere Road in Clinton on June 10 and June 24 from 1 to 6 p.m. (second doses would be July 1 and July 15). Please see the attached information. Pfizer fact sheet: https://5il.co/szyv Pfizer consent form: https://5il.co/r1wq. #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Summer Baseball Clinics are coming to town!! Check out the flyer for all the details!! https://5il.co/tkz9
almost 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
King Baseball
Blue Ridge Schools will be conducting FREE preschool screenings on July 29 and July 30 at Schneider Elementary. This is for children who are 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021. Children who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2021 are not eligible. Call 309-928-2611 for a screening appointment.
almost 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Cheer tryouts for the High School squad are next week! Be sure to email Coach Woliung for more info on how to get prepared for tryout week!
almost 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
The Blue Ridge Board of Education has filled its seventh seat. The board welcomes returning members Franci Miller and Kenna Dunlap-Johnson and new members Jason Nolan and Rusty Woliung. Already seated members Dale Schneman, Carlos Burton, and Chelsie Leffelman round out the board. Please consider attending a board meeting to learn more about the operations of the district. The next meeting is scheduled for June 16 at 7:00 p.m. #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Looking for support for summer lunches? Farmer City UMC is offering a Summer Lunch Club. Please see the flyer attached: https://5il.co/ta8f #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
We'd like to recognize the many BRHS students who earned awards and scholarships on Honor's Night, May 6th. Please see the linked document for our list of well-deserving students! https://5il.co/tdbf #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
A message from Sue McLaughlin, City Manager- The grand opening of the Farmer City Pool originally scheduled for Saturday May 29 has unfortunately been delayed. We are experiencing some minor issues with our new piping that should be completed in the next week or so. We are as disappointed as you that it will not open on time. We wish to thank our staff for all their hard work and the community for their patience. We look forward to opening our amazing “new” facility very soon. Thank you!!
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BR Parents and Guardians of Students with an Individualized Education Plan, we want to hear your voice! Please read the linked letter regarding a survey from the IL Board of Education. Thank you! https://5il.co/rtad #br_u_knighted
almost 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer