YZone will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays beginning the week of March 15. Do you have interested K-5 students? Please see the flyer for details and registration information: https://5il.co/q6ro
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
We'd love for you to join us next Wednesday evening for our first ever Digital Citizenship Family Night. A Sign Up Genius will be shared later this week. Please see the attached flyer for preliminary information: https://5il.co/q5qc #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Good afternoon! We have added two links to the banner on the Blue Ridge website we would like to share. The first link is the 5Essential parent survey link, this is a great way to give your input on how we as a school district are doing. The survey is open until April 2. We want your feedback! Schools need 20% of parents to respond in order to get a report. The second link is the livestream link, which will take you to all home games that are being live streamed. This is a great way to cheer on your favorite Knights! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
It's Read Across America Week!! Our Read-A-Thon officially kicks off today for grades 4-8! Have you enrolled in it yet? To enroll: 1.Go to: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/cDLWsX 2.Click find your teacher (green box). 3.Type the teacher's last name (4-6 Homeroom/ 7-8 1st hour) and then click on the white box with the teacher's name. 4.Type in the student name. Then select "I don't see my name." 5. Type in student name and parent/guardian's email address. Once enrolled, please email 10 friends/family members and share to social media. Each day, try to reach your daily reading goal! Did you know that if all of our students read 30 minutes each day, we would log 6,300 minutes of reading per day!
about 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Read-a-thon starts today
Hello Parents, Guardians, and BRIJHS 4-8 Students, Enrolling in our read-a-thon only takes 5 steps!! And, bonus, your learner gets a fun pajama day in March! 1.Go to: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/cDLWsX 2.Click find your teacher (green box). 3.Type the teacher's last name and then click on the white box with the teacher's name. 4.Type in the student name. Then select "I don't see my name." 5. Type in student name and parent/guardian's email address! That's it, you are enrolled and will get an email with more details! The flyer is coming home today!
about 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
Read-a-thon image
Parents in Grades 4-8, We just noticed a login error on the Read-a-thon flyer sent home today. Please disregard this flyer and a new one will be sent home tomorrow. The flyer will say “corrected” at the top. We apologize for any confusion!
about 4 years ago, Andrea Weedman
The Superintendent's Monthly Update for February can be found here: https://5il.co/ps98. Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about all that is going on at Blue Ridge! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BR Community, due to the emergency day taken earlier this week, our last day of student attendance is now moved to Friday, May 28, 2021. Earlier this week, the board approved a revision to the 2021-2022 school calendar. The revisions include moving the first day of student attendance to Wednesday, August 18, 2021 and the timing of the Institute Day and Presidents' Day Holiday in February. You can see the 2021-2022 school calendar here: https://5il.co/prg3 #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The following link takes you to the Pantagraph's article on the most recent events surrounding the theft case involving a former Blue Ridge employee. https://www.pantagraph.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/blue-ridge-tech-coordinator-pleads-guilty-to-fraud-scheme/article_6b45ebf6-874a-53aa-9ae6-dc1ad3f2af00.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=user-share #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The BR Board of Education met last night and one of our discussions was surrounding the usefulness of our remote Mondays. While they were very much needed as our staff transitioned into this unprecedented year, we believe that we have reached the point where it would be best to have students on campus five days per week. In a related matter, we have 89 staff members who are scheduled to receive dose two of the COVID vaccine on two upcoming dates- Feb. 26 and March 5. With the possibility of symptoms developing in those staff members after receiving their second dose, we believe that it is best to maintain remote Mondays for the next few weeks until our vaccination clinics have been completed. We will begin on campus learning on Monday, March 15. This means that we will have one full week of our new routine prior to spring break and we will continue that plan upon our return from spring break on Monday, March 29. The dismissal time will remain the same, 2:20. Thank you for your ongoing support of all district personnel. We continue to do our very best to create an optimal learning environment for your students. Tomorrow we will share calendar information with you pertaining to the end of this school year and also next year. Please watch for it! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
You can join us for the BOE meeting tonight at 7 p.m. from the comfort of your home: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDVCReToRJIh-h4kXaw9Jmw. Exemplary Knights will be recognized in person this month and may invite one guest to attend with them. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
JFL Football Sign Ups are here!! Check out the flyer or go to https://5il.co/poom for more details!!
about 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
We are thankful for the crews who have been very busy plowing today. We plan to be in session on campus tomorrow, Wed., Feb. 17. Buses may run a little late and we remind everyone to use caution while traveling. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Attention Parents/Guardians of K-3 BR Students! Blue Ridge 4-H Teen Teachers present 4-H STEAM camp during Spring Break! Join us via zoom for 5 different STEAM subjects including Art, Engineering, Cooking, Food Science, and Gardening. March 22-26 from 2-2:45 p.m. Open to grades K-3. Cost $10. View the flyer here: https://uofi.app.box.com/s/bhxe91tgdys664atpt4z59a0xclcqet6 Limited spaces. Register here today: https://web.extension.illinois.edu/registration/?RegistrationID=23143 #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning, BR Families! We wanted to let you know that the K-5 YZone program has been cancelled this week, and possibly next week, due to extenuating circumstances. Registered families will be notified when the program is able to continue and we will announce through these same channels as well. We apologize for any inconvenience. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Due to the snowfall and drifting conditions, we believe the roads to be unsafe for travel tomorrow, Feb. 16. We also believe that the drivers will not be able to deliver meals, even later tomorrow. That said, we’re going to have an old fashioned snow day tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 16. Stay safe! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
A polite reminder to help us out...Blue Ridge is joining the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) in the ninth statewide survey of school climate and learning conditions. The survey provides a unique opportunity for 4th-12th grade students, teachers and parents to have a voice in improving their schools. Please see the informational letter here: https://5il.co/p5qp. The parent survey supplement opened on February 3, and will remain open through April 2. You may access the parent survey here:http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/. These surveys will serve as an opportunity for schools to reflect on progress since the last statewide implementation. You will receive reminders during the survey window as we highly encourage all our teachers, students, and parents to make their voices heard to impact positive growth in our schools. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning! The roads have been checked and they are passable, so we will be in session on campus today. There is some drifting on east west country roads; please exercise caution. All buses may run a little late. Bus 55 (Pink) may be impacted by a downed power line that is being worked on now, so it may be a little later than the other buses. Thank you. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The in-person meeting for Freshman Orientation this evening (February 10th) has been cancelled due to poor road conditions. We are going to continue this evening with a virtual meeting, set up in the 8th grade google classroom titled " 25 BRHS Counseling - Class of 2025." All 8th graders have access to this google classroom, and should sign in through their chromebooks for their parents so their parents can participate. Our virtual meeting will begin at 7 pm, as scheduled. A link to the google meet will be in the banner at the top of the google classroom, and will be directly texted to 8th grade parents. Parents with questions may email Leslie Hieronymus at lhieronymus@blueridge18.org #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Parents and Guardians, we expect some delayed buses this afternoon due to the weather. Safety is our top priority. Thanks for your understanding. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer