We recently posted about signing up for meals in case of an inclement weather remote learning day. Would you please let us know if you’d like for your students to receive a breakfast/lunch meal on any inclement weather remote learning days for the remainder of the second semester? Please use this form to sign up. Knowing your needs now will make our planning much easier. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_PdTFF6BIJygP20cheQ04fDY8pPlZ9f7QFDV-SEV4il0zIw/viewform?usp=sf_link #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good Morning! Please remember to mark your attendance today and let's make it a great Monday! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Have you ever considered teaching, but hesitated since you don't have a degree in education? Please open the flyer from EIU and see what they have to offer. https://5il.co/pcgp
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
We did a double check of roads this morning and we are good to travel. We will see you at school dressed in your blue and silver! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Looking for part time work? Blue Ridge YZone is hiring! https://5il.co/pctf
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Dear BR Parents and Guardians, we have recently learned of new requirements for food service during inclement weather days. Please open and read the linked document and sign up on the form to request meal service during inclement weather days. https://5il.co/pcln. We continue to watch the weather forecast and if changes to our learning plans are needed, we will keep you posted. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Please join us in thanking Ms. Leslie Hieronymus, Ms. Cara Wells, and Mrs. Kristi Coy!! We are thankful for you this week and always!! #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
School Counselor
Blue Ridge will join the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) in the ninth statewide survey of school climate and learning conditions. The survey provides a unique opportunity for 4th-12th grade students, teachers and parents to have a voice in improving their schools. Please see the informational letter here: https://5il.co/p5qp. Students and teachers will take their survey between February 8 and April 2. If you would prefer that your student does not take the survey, please complete and return this form https://5il.co/p5qq to your student’s school by February 5. The parent survey supplement opens today, February 3, and will remain open through April 2. You may access the parent survey here:http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/. These surveys will serve as an opportunity for schools to reflect on progress since the last statewide implementation. You will receive reminders during the survey window as we highly encourage all our teachers, students, and parents to make their voices heard to impact positive growth in our schools. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Dear BR Parents/Guardians, due to the inclement weather we had last week, the BR food service staff have prepared a breakfast/lunch meal bag for students to take home tomorrow, February 2. All K-6 students will be given a meal bag and all 7th-12th grade students will be offered a meal bag. Students will be reminded that the meals are not to be eaten on the bus. Parents/Guardians, please remember to watch for the meals so they are not left in the backpacks! Thank you. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The Transportation Department is offering something NEW: The Ride-Along Program!! Check out the flyer for more details or call/email Debra @ 309-928-2150 or dfield@blueridge18.org
about 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Coaching positions are available at the Intermediate & Junior High School!! Check out the flyers or go to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103 for more information. Application deadlines are quickly approaching!!
about 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Track Coach
JH BBall
We are still impacted by illness in the transportation department. For Wednesday, January 27, 53(Red) will be up to 45 minutes late in the morning only. Bus 52(purple) and Bus 56(blue) will be picking them up. Thank you. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning. Due to the conditions of the rural roads this morning, we will be learning remotely today. No on campus attendance for special education students. Special note: The COVID-19 vaccination clinic scheduled for today is postponed. More details will be shared when available. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good evening. We do not yet have a decision for school tomorrow, but we will be choosing from 1) in person learning, 2) remote learning due to weather, with no special education student attendance, or 3) emergency day- no school at all. The emergency day will be used if power outages would keep us from being able to learn remotely. Please stay safe and we’ll communicate by 5:45 a.m. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning! As we watch the forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow, there is a possibility that we would need to use a remote learning day tomorrow due to weather. In preparation, we would like to offer that buildings will be open today from 9-12 if you need to pick up any materials for your student. Thank you. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Please take a few minutes to read the Superintendent's Monthly Update for January 2021. https://5il.co/ox0g #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
about 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Are you looking for a way to volunteer in your community? Please consider assisting the DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department by volunteering at a mass vaccination clinic held in Clinton for DeWitt Co residents. All skill levels of volunteers are needed. Volunteers may receive the vaccination! Please click on the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/DEWITTMassVaccWORKERS
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Yet another bus update: The most current update is that all buses will be running on time Friday morning, 1/22/2021. We apologize for the frequent changes, but we’re pleased to be able to run on time!#br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Bus 53 (Red) will be up to 45 minutes late Friday morning, January 22. (The afternoon is scheudled to run on time for Bus 53.) Bus 53 students will be picked up by either Bus 56 (Blue) or Bus 52 (Purple). Please watch for the buses to arrive. #br_u_knighted
about 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer