Bus 53 Update: Bus 53 will be departing school on time this afternoon. Updates for tomorrow will be sent out later this afternoon. #br_u_knighted

Good morning. Bus 53 will be up to 45 minutes late this morning and this afternoon due to driver illness. Students will be picked up by either Bus 56 or Bus 52. We will update you for tomorrow as soon as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience. #br_u_knighted

Attention Short Term Subs!! The ROE is holding a virtual training via Zoom for those that have applied for a STS license. It will cover curriculum, classroom management techniques, school safety and school/district operations. Visit https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0044-0016-2f3f537b359a4675ab02e45b8eba6cac for more information or to register!

Transportation update for the week of January 18: Bus 4 and Bus 54 will be combined on Bus 4 and might be up to 5-10 minutes late in the morning and the afternoon. In the afternoon, the Walnut and Allen stop and the Light Plant stop will remain on Bus 53 (Red). Thank you. #br_u_knighted

Agendas are posted for the special and regular Board of Education meetings on Wednesday, January 20. Click here to view https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1708.
Also for instructions on watching the live stream or attending the BOE meeting during Tier 3 mitigations, please refer to: https://5il.co/oo3c.

Interested in YZone for your K-5th grader, but not sure if it is something your child would like? Now is your chance to sign them up for a FREE trial on January 29, 2021. Use the flyer below to sign up or get more information! https://5il.co/omvf

We have checked the roads early this morning and we are able to have school today on campus. Please use caution, leave a little extra time, and we’ll see you at school! #br_u_knighted

BR Families, we’ve asked students to take learning materials home tonight as we see some snow in the forecast. An announcement will be made by 6:00 am on January 15 that either 1) the roads are in good condition and we will have school on campus, or 2) due to the impact of the inclement weather, students will learn remotely. If we learn remotely, all district buildings will be closed to students; students with special needs will not attend on campus. #br_u_knighted

Please take a look at the new COVID-19 Dashboard which you can access from the district's webpage banner. There you can find resources including health screener tags (Please remember to use these!), weekly health metrics, cumulative counts of student and staff positive COVID-19 cases, and current counts of student and staff isolation/quarantine numbers. We hope this helps to keep you informed! #br_u_knighted

We have an update for bus 53. Earlier, we announced that bus 53 would run up to 45 minutes late leaving school in the afternoon. Due to securing an additional sub driver, bus 53 will only be 5-10 minutes late to leave school this week. Thanks for your understanding. #br_u_knighted

As a second reminder-As we return to school during the week of January 11, we find ourselves short on bus drivers. To avoid changing our learning plans, we will be rerouting buses. If you are able to assist us by driving your students to school, we ask you to contact the Transportation Department at 309-928-2150 or 309-846-8719. Thank you to any families who can help us in that way. Our current plan for the week of Jan 11: Route 55 (Pink) will be picking up the Walnut/Allen and the Power Plant stop. They will be picked up between 8:00-8:10 am. Route 53(red) will be picked up by two different buses (52 Purple- Country and Deeters, 56 Blue- Greenleaf area). Route 53 will be up to 45 minutes behind the originally scheduled pick-up times, but they will arrive to the schools no more than 30 minutes late. The Deeters’ stop will be picked up around 8:23am. Please help us by watching for arriving buses. In the afternoon, Route 53 (red) will be up to 45 minutes late. Thank you. #br_u_knighted

IDPH has updated their travel guidance as of 1.4.2021. We will be updating our Return to School Health Plan and we wanted to also share the updates with you here. There is widespread, ongoing transmission of novel coronavirus worldwide. Anyone who has traveled internationally or domestically where COVID-19 transmission is high or increasing should stay home and monitor their health for 14 calendar days. The CDC updated COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination on December 2, 2020.
Testing before and after travel can reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19. Testing does not eliminate all risk, but when paired with a period of staying at home and precautions like wearing masks and social distancing, it can make travel safer by reducing spread on planes, in airports, and at travelers’ destinations. If you participated in higher-risk activities during your travel, take the actions listed above AND do the following after travel: 1. Get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home for 7 days after travel. Even if you test negative, stay home for the full 7 days. If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected. 2. If you don’t get tested, it’s safest to stay home for 10 days after travel. Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not.

As we return to school during the week of January 11, we find ourselves short on bus drivers. To avoid changing our learning plans, we will be rerouting buses. If you are able to assist us by driving your students to school, we ask you to contact the Transportation Department at 309-928-2150 or 309-846-8719. Thank you to any families who can help us in that way. Our current plan for the week of Jan 11: Route 55 (Pink) will be picking up the Walnut/Allen and the Power Plant stop. They will be picked up between 8:00-8:10 am. Route 53(red) will be picked up by two different buses (52 Purple- Country and Deeters, 56 Blue- Greenleaf area). Route 53 will be up to 45 minutes behind the originally scheduled pick-up times, but they will arrive to the schools no more than 30 minutes late. The Deeters’ stop will be picked up around 8:23am. Please help us by watching for arriving buses. In the afternoon, Route 53 (red) will be up to 45 minutes late. Thank you. #br_u_knighted

Calling all 5-7 year olds (as of 9/1/20)! The Farmer City 4-H Cloverbud club is meeting virtually once a month and their next meeting is coming up on January 15 from 6-7 p.m.! Cloverbuds is a 4-H program for kids who are younger than our regular 4-H age. They do hands on activities and have fun socializing with other kids their age. Please email Cloverbud leader Kelsey at kelseybrown61854@yahoo.com if you would like to attend or would like more information!

The State of IL is sponsoring free COVID-19 Testing on January 9 at the DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department. Please see the flyer for more details. https://5il.co/oadn

BR K-5 Parents and Guardians, don't let time run out! If you are interested in sending your K-5 child to YZone starting the week of 1/12, please visit http://www.clintoncommymca.org/cms-view-page.php?page=blue-ridge-yzone-extreme-programs to register. If we don't have enough children interested and registered this week, we will not be able to offer the program. Questions? See the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Clinton-Community-YMCA-Blue-Ridge-Y-Zone-104411054909240, contact the Y directly dtorbert@clintoncommymca.org, or email ptrimble@blueridge18.org. Don't miss this fun and convenient opportunity!

The U of I Extension has an AWESOME program for 6th graders and up. Teens will learn about different cultures through cooking! The U of I Extension has reached out to people they know in different countries and those friends have made videos for us including tours of their kitchens, grocery stores, recipes and more! For more information, see the Fbook event and click on the registration link!
Registration link: go.illinois.edu/ccc4-H
FB event: https://fb.me/e/3SG4bt5l9

Good afternoon! In response to some questions regarding attendance, here is a reminder for how attendance will be taken over the next few days before students are back on campus on Tuesday, January 12. On remote Mondays, parents are asked to use the attendance form on the webpage banner to report student attendance. For Tuesday through Friday, January 5-8, attendance will be taken as students log into their class meetings. If you are unable to attend a class session, but wish to report your student’s attendance, you may do so through the attendance form on the webpage banner. #br_u_knighted

Blue Ridge High School Students -
Please visit the following spreadsheet to make sure you have signed up for your new Google Classrooms: https://cutt.ly/ZjdBmKP

As a reminder, any students who were isolating or quarantining prior to the winter break will need to provide a clearance letter from the health department prior to riding a district bus or entering a school building. Please contact Dawn Stout at dstout@blueridge18.org with any questions. Thank you.