Welcome back Blue Ridge High School students!
For second semester classes that are starting for the first time, students should be logging in this morning to check their email and accept invite codes to join Google Classrooms.. Let's have a great start!

BRHS Parents/Guardians, we have made arrangements for counseling supports to be available for students upon their return to school. Students will receive information on Tuesday morning about how to access a form on which they can privately sign up to receive support. When they sign up, they can choose to meet with a specific Blue Ridge counselor, social worker, or psychologist, or they can sign up to speak with an outside counselor, which will be arranged through Tri-County Special Education Cooperative. #br_u_knighted

We are ready to begin the new semester! Remote learning materials for the start of the second semester will be available for pick up at each school building on January 5 from 8:00-3:30. Students will receive notification from their teacher if they will need to pick up any materials. We thank you for complying with the mask protocol upon arrival. #br_u_knighted

Dear Parents/Guardians, if your child was a Knight online learner using Calvert Learning or Courseware during the first semester and will be returning to in person learning for the second semester, your child’s building principal will be reaching out to you today to provide specific information to help with the transition back to school. #br_u_knighted

We are ready to welcome students back to the new semester! Monday, January 4 is Curriculum Day with no learning activities. Tuesday, January 5 through Friday, January 8 will be remote learning days. Only special education students will be attending on campus. Remote learning materials for the start of the second semester will be available for pick up at each school building on January 5 from 8:00-3:30. Students will receive notification from their teacher if they will need to pick up any materials. We thank you for complying with the mask protocol while picking up learning materials. For the week of January 11, Monday will be remote learning, followed by in person attendance Tuesday through Friday, with 2:20 dismissal. For the following weeks, our plan is to continue with remote Mondays and in person learning Tuesday through Friday. Please note that Monday, January 18 is the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, with no student attendance or learning activities. If any changes to our learning plans become necessary, you will be notified. #br_u_knighted

As a reminder, any students who were isolating or quarantining prior to the winter break will need to provide a clearance letter from the health department prior to riding a district bus or entering a school building. Please contact Dawn Stout at dstout@blueridge18.org with any questions. Thank you.

Dear BR Community, in September, student allegations concerning a staff member came to the administration's attention. The District immediately conducted an investigation and spoke with numerous witnesses as part of that investigation. The District complied with all relevant reporting requirements involving school employees, which did not include contacting local law enforcement authorities. After a thorough investigation, the Board of Education took appropriate action, consistent with all applicable policies and procedures. The District is unable to provide additional details or answer specific questions because of confidentiality requirements involving both personnel and student matters; however, be assured that the School District has taken all precautions to ensure the safety of students, which is the District's highest priority. Upon the return to school on January 5, 2021, Mrs. Flannell will be teaching English 1 and English 2 classes. Respectfully, Dr. Stanifer

BR Parents/Guardians of K-5 students, are you interested in after school care on school attendance days? If so, please follow the link to the Clinton YMCA page. They will be hosting Y-Zone at Schneider Elementary beginning in January. Reserve your spot now! https://www.facebook.com/Clinton-Community-YMCA-Blue-Ridge-Y-Zone-104411054909240

The Facebook post from 12.28.2020 has been deleted as many of the comments were creating a very inappropriate dialogue. The message is still available for you on the district webpage. The proper channel to discuss your concerns would be to set up an appointment to meet with the superintendent. To demonstrate my desire to address your concerns, I encourage you to follow the protocol by emailing me at hstanifer@blueridge18.org to set up an appointment. I will be out of the office until Monday, January 4, but will respond to appointment requests as available. Respectfully, Dr. Stanifer

Dear BR Community, social media recently brought attention to a matter that involves a district employee. The welfare of our student body is of utmost importance; we will continue to follow proper protocols throughout the situation at hand. While I am unable to share the details of personnel matters, I respect that you are left with many unanswered questions. We will keep you informed within the bounds of policy.
Respectfully, Dr. Stanifer

The transportation department currently has 2 full time driver positions available. Check out the website and/or flyer for more details!

Blue Ridge High School is seeking a Principal for the 2021-2022 school term. Check out the flyer for details or go to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103 for more info and for a full list of positions available.

Please see the Superintendent's Monthly Update for December 2020 here: https://5il.co/o522. We wish all Blue Ridge families a special holiday season! #br_u_knighted

The best send-off prior to a holiday break...please enjoy the K-1 Christmas Program led by Mrs. Emily Weiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uEvh7iQDBY

Ugly sweater/mask day is here!!!! Share with us what holiday sweater or mask you're wearing today. #br_u_knighted

We learned recently that an additional jr high teacher has tested positive, which means that the junior high side of BRIJHS is now considered an outbreak by the health department. In cooperation with the health department, we have decided that both 7th and 8th grade students will learn remotely tomorrow, December 18. Due to the distinct separation between the intermediate classrooms and junior high classrooms and the disinfection of the cafeteria between lunch sessions, the staff and students on the intermediate side of the building are not included in the closure. Many 8th grade students may not have the needed learning supplies at home. To assist with tomorrow’s learning plan, the building will be open for parents/guardians (no 7th or 8th grade students, please) to pick up student supplies between 7:30 and 8:15 Friday morning. Please make sure that you are following mask protocol upon arrival and we ask that you do not park in the circle drive as buses will be using that area. Before arriving at the school, you will need to ask your student for their locker number and their locker combination if they use a lock. Please note that all impacted spaces have been sanitized. Thank you for your understanding.

Good afternoon, BR Families! We would like to share with you an important update about our plans beginning in January and carrying through the end of the third quarter. Please read the document linked here: https://5il.co/o0sn. We pause to say thank you to all Blue Ridge families for your continued support as we learn how to best educate our students during these current challenges. I personally want to also thank every Blue Ridge staff member for their incredibly persistent efforts throughout the first semester. May everyone enjoy a time of rest during the holiday season! #br_u_knighted

It's holiday character day....there's so many to choose from. Show us what you dressed up as by using the BR hashtag! #br_u_knighted

BR Families, there are two parts to today’s message. First, you are invited to join us virtually for tonight’s BOE meeting at 7:00 p.m. using the link:https://www.twitch.tv/blueridgecusd. Second, do you have a student who learned remotely the first semester, will be attending on campus for the second semester, and you would like to make a request for district transportation? If you haven’t already filled out a request, please contact Debra Field at dfield@blueridge18.org or call 309 928-2150. Thank you. #br_u_knighted

What extra holiday attire will you wear today...will it be a mask, a tie, socks...or all 3??? Share with us using the BR hashtag! #br_u_knighted