We have checked the roads early this morning and we are able to have school today on campus. Use extra caution, dress warm, and we’ll see you at school! (7th grade, we’ll see you remotely.)

Bus 51 will be running about 10 min behind their scheduled morning pick-up times Wednesday morning through Friday morning unless otherwise notified.

This message is for parents of 7th grade students: Dear BR Parents/Guardians of 7th grade students, we have just learned of a positive COVID case with a junior high staff member. Through contact tracing, we have determined that all 7th grade students may have had contact with the staff member and will be considered close contacts. All 7th grade students will begin remote learning on 12/16/2020 through 12/18/2020. Students will receive additional information from their teachers, but should plan to resume Google Meets at 8:20 tomorrow morning. If families are able to pick up their 7th grade child this afternoon, you are encouraged to do so. For all 7th graders who need bus transportation home, we will provide separate transportation, only for 7th graders, this afternoon. A bus will arrive at BRIJHS at approximately 3:20 and leave BRIJHS at 3:25.

BR Families, we have something new to share with you about inclement weather days. Please be sure to open and read the linked document so you are ready for those winter weather days! https://5il.co/nvyq. With our first forecast for some snow overnight, teachers will practice preparing for a remote day by asking students to take home learning materials tonight. I will confirm road conditions by 6 a.m. on Wednesday 12/16/2020 and send out a message. If the roads are safe, we will be in person. If the roads are unsafe, we will learn remotely, following the plan in the linked document. Thanks for helping us practice for our new inclement weather routine!

Be sure to dress in your holiday colors today. Share with us by using the BR hashtag. #br_u_knighted

Check out our awesome BRHS students who attend the Bloomington Area Career Center! https://5il.co/nvyi. All Blue Ridge Juniors and Seniors are eligible to apply to BACC, where they will learn career skills in specific areas, from cosmetology, to automotive skills, to nursing, and more. Students can get more information from Mrs. Whitehouse at the high school and in their Counseling Google Classroom for their grade.

Today kicks off Holiday Dress Up Days with Pajama Day!! Be sure to share your jammies while remote learning by using the BR hashtag. #br_u_knighted

Attention NEW 2nd Semester Knight Online Learners: Student and parent login information has been emailed to you for the Calvert Learning and Courseware programs. If your child did not receive login credentials, please contact Paige Trimble at ptrimble@blueridge18.org as soon as possible to ensure your child is ready to start online learning in January. Thank you!

We were having Google issues earlier this morning that may have impacted email, apps, and our attendance form. We believe that Google has resolved the issue. If you already attempted to record your attendance and it wasn’t working, we ask you to try again. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Good afternoon, BR Community! We have updated quarantine guidance to share with you. The first link is the updated language from IDPH:https://5il.co/ntce. The next document explains how this will work at Blue Ridge Schools:https://5il.co/ntck. Thank you for taking time to read through the documents and for your ongoing cooperation during the pandemic.

Get ready to celebrate the Holidays next week with some dress up days!! Check out the flyer or go to https://5il.co/nqgv for details! Be sure to share your participation on social media and use the BR hashtag. #br_u_knighted

The time is here! Please follow the link below if you would like to register your K-5 child for Y-Zone which will begin in January! See the flyer here: https://5il.co/nox3.
Registration link: http://www.clintoncommymca.org/cms-view-page.php?page=blue-ridge-yzone-extreme-programs

This message is for BRHS students and families: On December 16-18, all BRHS students will continue to follow the regular 2:20 in-person schedule rather than an alternate semester exam schedule. There will not be a formal exam schedule this semester. Each teacher will determine their end of the semester assessments which will be communicated with the students. #br_u_knighted

The district is teaming up with the Clinton YMCA to house an after school program, called the Y-ZONE, for K-5 students.
Employment opportunities include:
On-Site Coordinator
Program Staff
Volunteer Staff
Check out the flyer or go to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103 for more details!

We are excited to welcome students back to on campus attendance on Tuesday, 12.8.2020! Please remember that if your student is not feeling well, they should stay home. Health screener tags will be used at the entrance to buses and school buildings. If you need another set, please see the banner on the district webpage. Otherwise, students will be screened upon arrival to the bus and the building. Welcome back! #br_u_knighted

The State of IL is sponsoring free COVID-19 testing at the DeWitt Piatt Bi-County Health Department on 12.5.2020. Please see the flyer for more details. https://5il.co/nbzh

If your child is currently an online Knight using the Calvert (K-5) or Courseware (6-12) platforms, please read the following message. Friday, December 18 will be the last day students are able to work on their online courses. Calvert (K-5) students need to have completed between 40-50% of each subject area. Courseware (6-12) must be 100% completed with their online courses. Any work that isn't completed by this deadline, will be entered as zeros and averaged into the final grade for the semester. We encourage you to check your child's progress closely over the next three weeks to make sure they are meeting these goals. #br_u_knighted

The District Office is seeking an assistant bookkeeper to help with everyday bookkeeping duties and tasks. Check out the flyer or for more details head over to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103

The transportation department currently has 2 full time bus driver positions open. Check out the flyer or go to https://www.blueridge18.org/employment-opportunities--103 for more information.

In partnership with the Clinton YMCA, Blue Ridge Y Zone will provide after school child care for K-5th grade students at Schneider Elementary beginning in January. The YMCA is currently looking for parttime staff members. Please check out the flyer!