BRIJHS has an opening for a 7th/8th math teacher. Can you see yourself saying, Math + You = Math Teacher?? Check out the flyer for details and apply today!
over 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Math Teacher Wanted
BR Families, we have updated information regarding the learning plans for the weeks of December 7 and December 14. Please see the full update here: #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
For the superintendent's November update, please follow the link: #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Holiday Treats with Blue Ridge 4-H Teen Teachers is being offered to K-3 students. Sign up now to join Gracie, Kallee, and Natalie in making yummy holiday treats such as Banana Snowmen (Dec 9) and Pumpkin Pie in a cup (Dec 16).
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning, Blue Ridge families! During this Thanksgiving week, I invite you to join me in choosing to focus on those things for which we are thankful. I am thankful for the support and health of my family, our teachers’ ability to adapt through our multiple changes in learning models, our parents who have modified their schedules, our food service workers who have prepared meals whether we are learning in person or not, our students who demonstrate perseverance and determination, our custodians who keep our buildings clean, and the list could go on. As promised during the BOE meeting on 11.18.2020, we have considered today’s updated health metrics from IDPH for our three counties. All counties have seen an increase in COVID-19 cases since the last update. You can view the rubric here: The BOE had determined in advance that if the metrics remained the same or worsened that we would remain in remote instruction through Friday, December 4. As a recap, students will learn remotely today and tomorrow. Following the Wednesday through Friday Thanksgiving break from school, students will remain in remote learning for the full week of November 30 through December 4. The current arrangements for our students with special needs will continue; if any changes are needed, you will be contacted personally. Our collective hope is that we will be able to return to in person instruction prior to December 18. We will continue to monitor the health metrics and keep you informed. Please be safe this holiday season and we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The District Office is seeking an assistant bookkeeper. Check out the flyer for details or visit for more information.
over 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Asst Bookkeeper
Today is the LAST day to sign up to be a Knight online learner using the Calvert Learning (K-5) or Courseware (6-12) program. If you were a Knight this semester, you MUST sign up again to be a Knight second semester. New and returning Knights should use the links below to sign up for Calvert Learning or Courseware second semester. Calvert Learning K-5 Sign up: Courseware 6-12 Sign up:
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BR Community, at last night’s BOE meeting we discussed the current health metrics for our three counties, using a rubric developed with CDC guidance. You can see a copy of the rubric here: For the first time, the majority of our 12 markers were in the higher/highest risk categories. The BOE had agreed earlier this school year that in that situation we would consider a move to remote learning. As you’ve heard in the news, many surrounding districts are implementing or considering what is called an adaptive pause surrounding the upcoming holidays. An adaptive pause is a scheduled time of remote learning, with the purpose of minimizing the spread of the virus. The BOE has agreed to watch the upcoming metrics released on Monday, 11/23, before making a decision about using an adaptive pause. At that time, if the majority of the markers remain in the higher/highest risk category, we will announce an adaptive pause from Tuesday, Dec. 1 through Friday, Dec. 4. This would mean that all current remote instruction procedures that have been in place prior to Thanksgiving would continue through Dec. 4. Current special education accommodations would remain in place; if any changes are needed, personal contacts will be made. I encourage you to prepare for an adaptive pause while waiting for the final decision, which will be shared with you on Monday, 11/23. Thank you for your understanding. #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good morning BR Families! Due to recent updates in guidelines for the size of public body meetings, we will need to keep our in person attendance for tonight's Board of Education meeting to a minimum. To make accommodations for you to attend, our meeting will be live streamed and you are invited to tune in tonight at 7:00 p.m. using this link:
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Dear K-5 Families- Please don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! In order for us to move forward with offering a Y-Zone program to the families in our Blue Ridge community, we need to know if we have enough interest in the program to move forward. Please share this with other members of the community who may be interested, as well as on social media. Don't forget to fill out the survey below, so we know how to proceed. If we don't meet the minimum amount of interest, the program will not be offered. The survey will close this Friday, November 20. The Clinton YMCA is offering a Blue Ridge Y-Zone! Y-Zone is an after school program for K-5 students. Y-Zone would be held at Schneider Elementary starting on January 5 from 2:20-5:45 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Cost would be $12.50 per child per day. Please help by sharing this exciting news! #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Holiday Treats with Blue Ridge 4-H Teen Teachers is being offered to K-3 students. Join Gracie, Kallee, and Natalie in making yummy holiday treats such as Banana Snowmen (Dec 9) and Pumpkin Pie in a cup (Dec 16). Please follow the link to register for this virtual experience!
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BR Families, two days of remote meals will be available for all requests received by Wednesday, 11/18 at 5:00 p.m. To reserve your meals, please use the Food Service Requests banner on the district website. Meals will be available for pick-up at Schneider Elementary on 11/23 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Limited delivery will be available on 11/24.
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Just a reminder! This Friday, November 20, is the LAST day to sign up to be a Knight online learner using the Calvert Learning (K-5) or Courseware (6-12) program. If you were a Knight this semester, you MUST sign up again to be a Knight second semester. New and returning Knights should use the links below to sign up for Calvert Learning or Courseware second semester. Calvert Learning K-5 Sign up: Courseware 6-12 Sign up:
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
BR Families, BRIJHS is experiencing some power issues which are impacting both internet and phone service. Thank you for your understanding.
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
The Special and Regular Board of Education meetings are coming up on November 18. Agendas can be found at
over 4 years ago, Kristi Woliung
Our Pre-K program hosted our first drive-thru Growing Together event this evening. Families received a meal and book to take home and enjoy. Thank you to all our families for attending!
over 4 years ago, Ryan Peyton
BR Families, we'd like to remind you that student meals are free of charge through the end of the school year. Five days of remote meals will be available for all requests received by Friday, 11/13 at 8 p.m. To reserve your meals, please use the Food Service Requests banner on the district website. Meals will be available for pick-up at Schneider Elementary on Tuesday, 11/17, from 6-7:30 p.m. Limited delivery will be available on 11/18.
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Blue Ridge will transition to remote learning beginning tomorrow, November 11. Please open the link below to find details about ordering meals, learning schedules, and attendance. As always, please reach out to your normal attendance centers with any questions or concerns. #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Dear K-5 Families- We are excited to announce a great opportunity for the children of the Blue Ridge community! The Clinton YMCA is offering a Blue Ridge Y-Zone! Y-Zone is an after school program for K-5 students. Y-Zone would be held at Schneider Elementary starting on January 5 from 2:20-5:45 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Cost would be $12.50 per child per day. Please use the link below to answer a short survey for us to gauge interest. In order for us to proceed with offering this, we need to hear from you. Please help by sharing this exciting news! #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer
Good evening, BR community. After 5:30 tonight we learned that we have a positive COVID-19 case in our transportation department that will most likely result in the great majority of the transportation staff being considered close contacts, which will keep them from being able to transport students. We will need time to work with the health department to develop our next steps. For now, we will move to a Remote Learning PLANNING Day on Tuesday, 11/10/2020. Pre-K will continue with choice board activities and report their attendance as usual. Knights will continue with their learning platform; attendance is recorded with logging in to work. For all other students, no new learning activities will be provided on Tuesday, 11/10/2020; no attendance reporting is necessary. On Wednesday, 11/11/2020, in addition to remembering Veterans’ Day, we will return to remote learning through Friday, 11/13/2020. After meeting with the administrative team in the morning, we will communicate with you about such things as remote meals, special education services, class meeting schedules, attendance reporting, etc. for the remainder of this week. By Friday, I will communicate our plans for next week. Thank you for your understanding and your continued diligence in following all health protocols. #br_u_knighted
over 4 years ago, Hillary Stanifer