Blue Ridge will transition to remote learning beginning tomorrow, November 11. Please open the link below to find details about ordering meals, learning schedules, and attendance. As always, please reach out to your normal attendance centers with any questions or concerns. https://5il.co/my1o #br_u_knighted

Dear K-5 Families-
We are excited to announce a great opportunity for the children of the Blue Ridge community! The Clinton YMCA is offering a Blue Ridge Y-Zone! Y-Zone is an after school program for K-5 students. Y-Zone would be held at Schneider Elementary starting on January 5 from 2:20-5:45 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Cost would be $12.50 per child per day. Please use the link below to answer a short survey for us to gauge interest. In order for us to proceed with offering this, we need to hear from you. Please help by sharing this exciting news! #br_u_knighted

Good evening, BR community. After 5:30 tonight we learned that we have a positive COVID-19 case in our transportation department that will most likely result in the great majority of the transportation staff being considered close contacts, which will keep them from being able to transport students. We will need time to work with the health department to develop our next steps. For now, we will move to a Remote Learning PLANNING Day on Tuesday, 11/10/2020. Pre-K will continue with choice board activities and report their attendance as usual. Knights will continue with their learning platform; attendance is recorded with logging in to work. For all other students, no new learning activities will be provided on Tuesday, 11/10/2020; no attendance reporting is necessary. On Wednesday, 11/11/2020, in addition to remembering Veterans’ Day, we will return to remote learning through Friday, 11/13/2020. After meeting with the administrative team in the morning, we will communicate with you about such things as remote meals, special education services, class meeting schedules, attendance reporting, etc. for the remainder of this week. By Friday, I will communicate our plans for next week. Thank you for your understanding and your continued diligence in following all health protocols. #br_u_knighted

Looking for a virtual 4H activity for your K-2nd grade student? Please check out the linked flyer. Registration is open through the end of November. Sessions will be held virtually once monthly December through May. https://5il.co/mw3m

Today, 11/9/2020, is a Remote Learning Day. Assignments will be provided. Knights record attendance through logging into Edmentum, while all other students need to have their attendance reported using the attendance form on the banner of our district webpage: www.blueridge18.org. The time to choose between remote and on campus learning for the second semester is almost here. If you have any thought about signing up for fully remote learning, please join Paige Trimble tonight to hear more about the Edmentum curriculum. The November 9 meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. with this meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/92948207101?pwd=aFlhcEErNFFzbmpXMzdXc1RGdlRGUT09, Meeting ID: 929 4820 7101, Passcode: yAa5y6. An identical meeting will be offered on November 11 at 6:00 p.m. with this meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/99072256916?pwd=VTZvWTB3Ym5tbEFjOEIvaXhMd1gxQT09, Meeting ID: 990 7225 6916, Passcode: 0JK8Fn.
Also, for students attending four days weekly, please remember that you can request meals for remote Mondays. Please see the Food Service Requests link on the banner of our webpage. From there, select Mondays Remote Food Service Request. The deadline to receive a meal for 11/16 is 11/11. Thank you! #br_u_knighted

The students are back and now it’s time to start working on plans for the second semester. Please see the linked document (https://5il.co/mskd) for information on selecting remote learning versus in-person learning for the second semester. All students, including current Knights, selecting fully remote learning through Edmentum for the second semester must sign up by November 20. More details can be found in the linked letter. #br_u_knighted

Today’s the day! Welcome, students! Please remember your health tags as you enter the bus and school building. https://5il.co/miyt. Any absences on days that school is open should be reported by calling the respective school building, rather than using the attendance form on the webpage. #br_u_knighted

As a reminder for families whose student has been home for isolation or quarantine, a release letter from the health department is required prior to their return to school. We want everyone to return as soon as possible, but we must have proper documentation for the safety of all. Thank you.

Good morning! As we transition to four days of on campus instruction, we will have a few extra reminders for families. Today, Nov. 2, is a Remote Learning PLANNING Day. Pre-K will continue with choice board activities and report their attendance as usual. Knights will continue with their learning platform; attendance is recorded with logging in to work. For all other students, no new learning activities will be provided today; no attendance reporting is necessary. On Tuesday, 11/3, there is no school due to Election Day. On Wednesday, 11/4, we welcome Blue, Silver, and returning Knights to school! We ask that you self-certify all students in your household. Your student should have brought a page of health screener tags home, but you can find them here as well: https://5il.co/miyt. Students should have those readily available/visible upon entry to the bus and/or entry to the school building. Anyone who arrives without a tag will be screened following our previous protocol. We appreciate your ongoing help in diligently checking that students are healthy before they are sent to school. #br_u_knighted

BRIJHS has an opening for a 7th/8th math teacher. Can you see yourself saying, Math + You = Math Teacher?? Check out the flyer for details and apply today!

Looking for a mental health resource for your teen? Check out this six-part free resource through the U of I Extension 4H. https://5il.co/mj0n
Registration has been extended through October 30, so act now!

Parent Teacher Guidelines
We are so glad to work with you to help your child(ren) achieve success. In order to make things run smoothly, we ask that you follow the guidelines below.
Parents will enter through the front door.
Temperatures will be checked upon entering the building.
All people will remain at least 6 feet apart.
All desks and chairs will be cleaned before each conference and teachers will use alternating seating.
Virtual Conferences will be set up by the teacher in an email.
For Blue Ridge High School parents:
At the high school, the stairwells are one way. The south stairwell is up and the north stairwell is down.
If you are in the building for a virtual conference with Mr. Anton, please go to the office to use a computer that has been set up for this purpose.
If you have any questions, please call your child’s school:
Schneider Elementary: 309-928-2611
BRIJHS: 217-489-5201
BRHS: 309-928-2622
Your partners in learning,
Mr. Ryan Peyton, Mrs. Katie Nichols, Mrs. Lois Dowling, Mrs. Mary Diener

November is coming and we have many updates for you as we approach the start of four days of on campus learning. One very important change is the daily health screening protocol. Please see the linked document to learn about all the upcoming changes! https://5il.co/miiy n#br_u_knighted

Please see today's COVID update: https://5il.co/mfy3. Current stats- 3 student and 8 staff positive cases to date, 35 students and 2 staff currently isolating/quarantining.

BR Families, the Superintendent's Monthly Update for October 2020 can be found here: https://5il.co/mful. Next week, please watch for more information regarding four days of on campus attendance! #br_u_knighted

Do you know what today is???? BLUE & SILVER FRIDAY Show your school spirit and post a picture of your blue and silver to end the Fall Fun Days!! #br_u_knighted

Trying again to get the Knight survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S7CZ8Y6

BR Families- I have three important messages to share with you. First, attached is a COVID-19 update from today. https://5il.co/meac Second, I’d like to clarify for our Pre-K students and families that Pre-K students will remain in their current Blue and Silver hybrid learning model when other grade levels transition to four days of attendance. The reasoning for this is the inability to maintain social distancing at such a young age. The third message is for Knight families- Attention Knight Learner Parents & Guardians: After consideration of current health metrics and community and staff surveys, the Board of Education has approved for Grades K-8 Knights to return to on campus instruction on 11/4. Please fill out the attached form for each of your children and specify if you would like them to continue as Knight learners or to return to Schneider or BRIJH for in person instruction. Please use the link below to complete and submit your survey by Tuesday, October 27.
Knights Return to In Person Learning Survey

A message from BR Food Service: For remote meals scheduled to be delivered during the week of 10/26, Blue learners requesting meals will receive two meals on Wednesday. Silver learners will not receive meals due to the timing of our four day reopening. Meals for Knights will remain the same. Thank you.

Who is your Hero....Superman, Wonder woman, first responders, teachers, nurses, etc? Show us which hero you dressed up as for HERO Day and add a picture in the comments. #br_u_knighted